Apiculture and Culture
Books on Bees and Beekeeping, SCUA, UMass Amherst
American Bee Literature
Apiculture and culture
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N. H. and H. A. King
The bee-keeper's text-book.
Buffalo, Franklin Printing House, 1867.
140 p. 17 cm.

Call no.: SF523 .K45

N.H. and A.J. King’s popular textbook on beekeeping had a wide circulation in the mid-19th century about the burgeoning population of beekeepers. The Kings draw openly upon the discoveries of other apiarists such as Bevan, Langstroth, Miner, and Quinby. Brevity appears to have been a sought after and achieved by the authors, perhaps to enhance its sales to amateurs.

[ American bee books ][ Bevan ][ Miner ][ Langstroth ][ King ] [ Cook ][ Root ]

King title page
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