UMass Amherst
Antoine Jean Cocquebert de Montbret

Illustratio iconographica insectorum quae in musaeis parisinis observavit et in lucem edidit Joh. Christ. Fabricius, praemissis ejusdem descriptionibus; accedunt species plurimae, vel minus aut nondum cognitae, vol. 3
Paris: P. Didot, 1799
3 v. XXX col. pl. 35 cm.

Call no.: QL466.C6 1799 +.

As the French Revolution was turning into the republican empire, Antoine Jean Cocquebert de Montbret (1753-1825) published an elaborately illustrated work on the insect specimens found in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. The illustrations depict its subjects as they would have appeared pinned inside an insect box, quite unlike the naturalistic efforts of contemporaries such as Johann Jacob Roemer.

Johann Fabricius (1745-1808), a student of Linnaeus and professor of natural history at Kiel, was a prolific taxonomist, naming about 234 species of scarab beetle during his career.

plate from the book