Apiculture and Culture
Books on Bees and Beekeeping, SCUA, UMass Amherst
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Robert Huish
Bees: their natural history and general management: comprising a full and experimental examination of the various systems of native and foreign apiarians; with an analytical exposition of the errors of the theory of Huber; containing, also, the latest discoveries and improvements in every department of the apiary..
London, H. G. Bohn, 1844.
xxvii, 458 p. illus., port. 19 cm.

Call no.: SF 525 .H9

Despite a singular breadth of literary output, Robert Huish (1777-1850) is best remembered as one of the key figures in British apiculture during the first half of the nineteenth century. His first book, A Treatise on the Nature, Economy, and Practical Management of Bees went through four editions between 1815 and 1844, and he gained a wide popular readership through a succession of other books and articles, developing (as many apiarists did) his own unique hive design.

By the time that Huish published his popular work Bees: their natural history and general management, he was deeply engaged in a scientific spat with the Swiss apiculturist François Huber. His book can be seen as an attempt not only to write a revised and accurate account of the physiology, behavior, and management of bees, but counter the errors of other naturalists, most notably Huber. Ironically, while Huish published a catalogue of 34 errors committed by Huber, he famously insisted that worker bees are neither male nor female, but rather a third neuter sex.

[ Natural history ][ Huber ][ Bevan ][ Bagster ][ Nutt ][ Huish ]

Huish titlepage
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