Timothy Allman Papers
Journalist, news editor, and author of Unmanifest Destiny: Mayhem and Illusion in American Foreign Policy — From the Monroe Doctrine to Reagan’s War in El Salvador (1984).
Includes notes on observations and interviews, background material including press releases, reports, transcripts of speeches and congressional committee hearings testimony, and articles and pamphlets that concern El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize, and Panama, and focus on the Church, guerrillas, dissent, terrorism, and foreign policies of presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
Notes on observations and interviews, background material including press releases, reports, transcripts of speeches and congressional committee hearings testimony, articles and pamphlets, gathered by Timothy Allman, journalist, news editor, and author of Unmanifest Destiny: Mayhem and Illusion in American Foreign Policy- from the Monroe Doctrine to Reagan’s War in El Salvador (1984). Materials concern El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, Belize and Panama, and focus on the Church, guerillas, dissent, terrorism, and foreign policies of presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
The collection is open for research.
Cite as: Timothy Allman Central America Collection (MS 60). Special Collections and University Archives, W.E.B. Du Bois Library, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Acquired from Timothy Allman via Joel Halpern.
Processed by Ken Fones-Wolf.
Carib/C.A. general policy
Box 1:1
Box 1:2
White Paper
Box 1:3
Carter Policy
Box 1:4
Dissent/Bob White Dissent Paper
Box 1:5
Box 1:6
Box 1:7
Reagan 1981
Box 1:8
El Salvador
Box 2:1
El Salvador
Box 2:2
El Salvador
Box 2:3
Box 3:1
El Salvador 1983
Box 3:2
Box 4:1
Box 4:2
Costa Rica
Box 5:1
Box 5:2
Box 5:3
Box 5:4