Apiculture and Culture
Books on Bees and Beekeeping, SCUA, UMass Amherst
Moral and financial aspects
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Moral and financial
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A Country Curate
The English bee-keeper; or, Suggestions for the practical management of amateur and cottage apiaries, on scientific principles. With an appendix of notes, chiefly illustrative.
London, F. & J. Rivington, 1851.
xvi, 212 p. illus. 17 cm.

Call no.: SF525 .E5

Beginning by declaring room for improvement in previous management techniques, the pseudonymous Country Curate encourages English readers to take up pursuit of beekeeping, not only for pecuniary profits, the author states, but for a “much higher” result. Like many a zealous apiphile, the Curate announces that he has yet to meet a beekeeper who was not a well respected and moral man.

[ Moral & financial ][ Crevecoeur ][ Bonner ][ Cotton ][ Milton ][ Country curate ]

Country Curate title page
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