The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Robert S. Cox Special Collections & University Archives Research Center
CredoResearch digital collections in Credo

Collecting area: New England

Middlebury Friends Meeting

Middlebury Friends Meeting Records

2 boxes 1 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 M5335

Middlebury, Vermont, was home to a Quaker worship group affiliated with Burlington Monthly Meeting from 1956 to 1962, and again beginning in 1970. This latter group led to formation of a preparative meeting in 1971 and to setting off as a monthly meeting in 1976 under the care of Northwest Quarter. Middlebury Friends Meeting has overseen the preparative meeting in South Starksboro Monthly (1982-1996) and a worship group in Rochester.

The meticulously maintained records of Middlebury Friends Meeting include a comprehensive set of minutes and extensive newsletters for the meeting beginning at the time of its establishment.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2017


Middlebury (Vt.)--Religious life and customsQuakers--VermontSociety of Friends--Vermont


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)Newsletters
Middletown Monthly Meeting of Friends

Middletown Monthly Meeting of Friends Records

1 box 0.5 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 M5337

Friends in Middletown, Connecticut, began holding meetings under the care of Hartford Monthly Meeting by 1943 and were set off as a monthly meeting of their own in 1956. Drawing heavily from the faculty and staff at Wesleyan College, at least in their early years, the meeting is part of Connecticut Valley Quarter.

The records of Middletown Monthly Meeting document more than sixty years of a Quaker meeting in the lower Connecticut Valley beginning in the mid-1950s.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2017


Middletown (Conn.)--Religious life and customsQuakers--ConnecticutSociety of Friends--Connecticut


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)Newsletters
Miller Family

Miller Family Photographs

1 boxes, 1 oversize envelope 1.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 119

Four generations of the Miller family from Roxbury and Hull, Massachusetts. Includes photographs mounted on twenty-eight sheets of posterboard and 158 slides stored in two slide trays that are comprised of formal and informal family portraits; family businesses; church and business gatherings; a wedding announcement; and postcards from the early 1900s depicting public recreation sites. More recent photographs reveal how the public recreation sites have changed over the years. Robert Parker Miller, a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a member of the Miller family, displayed these images in an exhibit entitled “Trying to Live the American Dream” (1986, Wheeler Gallery).


Family--United States--HistoryHull (Mass.)--PhotographsMassachusetts--Social life and customs--19th century--PhotographsMassachusetts--Social life and customs--20th century--PhotographsRoxbury (Mass.)--Pictorial works


Miller family

Types of material

Miller, J. Wesley (John Wesley), 1941-

J. Wesley Miller Papers

9 boxes 13.5 linear feet
Call no.: MS 460

A nearly lifelong resident of Springfield, Massachusetts, J. Wesley Miller was actively engaged in the city’s politics. Often described as an eccentric activist, Miller graduated from Colby College and later earned his law degree from Western New England College of Law. Although he never practiced as an attorney, Miller did sue the law school upon graduation for “educational malpractice,” a suit that was settled out of court. Miller taught English at Heidelberg College in Ohio and at the University of Wisconsin, and it is at the latter institution where it seems he formed his habit of collecting street literature, mostly posters and fliers. Evidently consumed by a desire to collect such materials, Miller accrued a vast quantity of street literature by the time of his death in 2005.

The collection consists primarily of flyers and posters collected by Miller in Madison, Wisconsin and throughout western Massachusetts that reflect the contemporary history of the two regions. The literature ranges from announcements of student protests and rallies to advertisements for local pubs. Miller signed each item, possibly as part of a ritual to catalog the collection. Also included is a microfilm copy of Miller’s diaries.


Activists--MassachusettsPopular cultureStreet literature


Miller, J. Wesley (John Wesley), 1941-

Types of material

Millers River Publishing Co.

Millers River Publishing Co. Records

2 boxes 3 linear feet
Call no.: MS 805

The journalist and activist Allen Young founded Millers River Publishing Co. in 1983 to produce “fine books about New England.” Nearly a one person shop, the company began in Athol, Mass., with what would become the most successful of its publications, North of Quabbin, Young’s own guidebook to the nine towns rimming the Quabbin Reservoir. Over the next five years, Millers River issued at least fifteen titles in regional and local history, fiction, and children’s books. Soon after Young left his job at the Athol Daily News in 1989 to accept a position in public relations at the community hospital, the company ceased its operations.

The records of the Millers River Publishing Co. document the active years of a small regional press in northern Massachusetts. In addition business records, the collection includes correspondence from authors and readers along with book proposals and manuscripts, including some for works not published. Most of the Millers River publications are available in SCUA.

Gift of Allen Young, Dec. 2013


Publishers and publishing--Massachusetts


Young, Allen, 1941-
Miscellaneous Manuscripts

Miscellaneous Manuscripts

10 boxes 8 linear feet
Call no.: MS 719

Miscellaneous Manuscripts is an artificial collection that brings together single items and small groups of related materials. Although the collection reflects the general collecting emphases in SCUA, particularly the history of New England, the content ranges widely in theme and format.


Massachusetts--Economic conditions--18th centuryMassachusetts--Economic conditions--19th centuryMassachusetts--HistoryMassachusetts--Politics and governmentMassachusetts--Social conditions--18th centuryMassachusetts--Social conditions--19th centuryMassachusetts--Social conditions--20th century

Types of material

Account booksCorrespondenceMapsPhotographs
Monadnock Quaker Meeting

Monadnock Quaker Meeting Records

1 vol., 3 boxes 1.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 M663

In 1957, a group of Quakers in Rindge, New Hampshire, established an independent worship group affiliated with the Connecticut Valley Quarter which became the Monadnock Quaker Meeting in the following year. From 1957 to 2011, members of the meeting supported the Meeting School in Rindge, a co-educational boarding school run on Quaker principles.

The records of Monadnock Quaker meeting offer a perspective on the growth of the Society of Friends in southern New Hampshire over more than half a century. As kept by the meeting clerks, the records for the early 1980s include a jumble of newsletters, notes, drafts, and minutes of meetings which appear to be nearly complete.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2017


New Hampshire--Religious life and customsQuakers--New HampshireSociety of Friends--New Hampshire


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)Newsletters
Montague (Mass.) Nuclear Power Station

Montague Nuclear Power Station Environmental Report

1 box 1 linear feet
Call no.: MS 061

Planning for construction of a nuclear power plant in Montague, Mass., in 1973, Northeast Utilities was required to conduct an environmental impact survey of the site, building a 500-foot tall weather monitoring tower to gather data. Their plans, however, were thwarted by the rise of a powerful antinuclear opposition, symbolized by a renowned act of civil disobedience in February 1974. On Washington’s Birthday, a member of the Montague Farm commune, Sam Lovejoy, took down the tower using simple farm tools, turning himself in to the police immediately afterward. The ensuing trial, the effective organizing by his colleagues, and the success of their effort to prevent construction of the power plant is often regarded as a formative moment in the history of the modern antinuclear movement.

This environmental report for the proposed Montague Nuclear Power Station includes an accounting of the purpose of the facility, its environmental, archaeological, and social impact, and an analysis of the costs and benefits of operation.


Antinuclear movement--United StatesLovejoy, SamMontague (Mass.)--HistoryNortheast UtilitiesNuclear power plants--Massachusetts
Montague, Holland

Holland Montague Diary

1 vol. 0.15 linear feet
Call no.: MS 257 bd

A lifelong diarist, Granby farmer Holland Montague wrote chiefly about life on the farm where he made a comfortable living supplying produce to surrounding towns. While most of his entries are bland accounts of the weather and agricultural duties, Montague occasionally offers a glimpse into his personal life, especially on the diary’s endpapers, where he records medicinal remedies for humans and livestock, purchases made and payments received, as well as a valuation of his property in 1872. Very few references are made to political events of the day, including the Civil War, although he does note on April 16, 1865 that President Lincoln is dead.

Laid into the volume is a manuscript copy of the 1826 document listing depositions to be taken from individuals in the petition of the town of Granby against the town of South Hadley relating to a dispute over the boundary line between the two towns.

Transferred from Dartmouth College Special Collections, July 1989


Farmers--Massachusetts--GranbyGranby (Mass.)--History

Types of material

Morley, Cathrin

Cathrin Morley Poetry Album

1 vol. 0.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 136 bd

Possibly a worker who boarded in Van Duesenville, a growing industrial area of Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Notebook consists of poems, most of which concern religious faith and local events that were written in Cathrin Morley’s hand but may not have been created by her. Also includes a list of significant family dates.


Christian poetry, American--Massachusetts--Great BarringtonDeath--PoetryGreat Barrington (Mass.)--HistoryMorley familySex role--Massachusetts--Great Barrington--PoetrySpiritual life--PoetryVan Duesenville (Great Barrington, Mass.)Women--Poetry


Morley, Cathrin

Types of material
