Brother David Steindl-Rast Papers

Brother David Steindl-Rast was born Franz Kuno in Vienna, Austria, in 1926. He discovered The Rule of St. Benedict as a young man, which sent him on a search for an authentic version of Benedictine practice. This search brought him through the Second World War in Vienna, where he earned a Ph.D from the University of Vienna in 1952 and to the Mount Savior Monastery in Elmira, New York, where he became a monk in 1953. Along with his friend Thomas Merton, Brother David is one of the most important figures in the modern interfaith dialogue movement, leaving Mount Savior in the mid-1960s to study Zen Buddhism with Hakuun Yajutami, Shunayu Suzuki, and Soen Nakagawa. He was the first Benedictine to learn directly from Buddhist teachers and received Vatican support for his bridge-building work in 1967. Through Merton, Brother David met Thich Nhat Hanh, who introduced him to the peace movement and grounded Brother David’s spirituality in a tradition of activism. When not in seclusion, Brother David has served as a teacher of contemplative prayer, the intersection of Zen and Catholicism, and gratefulness as a spiritual practice. Through many books and articles, lectures, and residencies in spiritual centers like Tassajara and the Esalen Institute, Brother David has developed an influential philosophy and much of the current popularity of mindfulness and Zen-influenced living and activism owes a debt to his teachings.
The Brother David Steindl-Rast Papers include Brother David’s extensive published and unpublished writings, sermons, memoirs, personal journals, correspondence, photographs, recordings, and videos of his teachings. His papers extend back to his youth in Vienna, documenting his childhood and experience during the war, including a complete run of Die Goldene Wagen, the children’s magazine published by Brother David’s mother Elisabeth Rast.
Background on Brother David Steindl-Rast
As a scholar, writer, and social activist, Brother David Steindl-Rast has shared messages of peace, interfaith dialogue, social justice, and environmental stewardship worldwide for more than 50 years in spoken and written word that is both thoughtful and occasionally infused with beauty, wonderment, and wit. His TEDtalk Want to Be Happy? Be Grateful has garnered over 5 million views and thousands of people a day tap into the interactive online community he co-founded, Network for Grateful Living, for information and guidance on the transformative power of gratefulness as a mindfulness practice.
Brother David was born in Vienna, Austria in 1926 as Franz Kuno. He grew up in a small, nearby village in the Alps with his mother and two younger brothers. Living in the Austrian countryside meant Br. David was surrounded by devout Catholic tradition. Religious customs and divine feasts were so abundant that, in his eyes, the elements of nature, culture and religion blended together as one.
As a young boy he attended primary school in a two-room schoolhouse. He then moved to Vienna as a young teenager to attend a progressive boarding school. As the Nazis rose to power, his mother grew concerned for his safety and decided to move to the city with his brothers to be closer to him. In response to the Nazi regime, the boys at the school rebelled primarily by becoming deeply religious.
Unfortunately, a group of Br. David’s closest friends were soon drafted into the Nazi army. After only six months, half were killed in battle. Their deaths prompted him to start thinking about his own mortality; Br. David was convinced that he would die young. He was eventually drafted as well, but thankfully was never sent to the front lines. After a year, he abandoned his post and went underground, working to set up refugee camps and to clear rubble from university grounds. Although she was scared for him, Br. David’s mother encouraged his activities.
It was during this period that a friend lent him The Rule of Saint Benedict. David was fascinated with its emphasis on humility, introspection and one’s sense of community. The Rule inspired him. He imagined being near death, and felt that following this monastic tradition was how he would have liked to have lived. Unfortunately, David knew of no Benedictine monasteries, so he decided to put that dream aside. Instead, he went to study at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. There he learned painting and art restoration.
Vienna had always been a focus of European culture, with a sense of history and human solidarity. During the post-war years, David worked on restoring art that had been damaged during the war. It was then that he became interested in children’s art and its relation to primitive art, which in turn led him to begin studying child psychology. In 1952 David earned his PhD at the University of Vienna in experimental psychology, with a minor in anthropology.
After finishing school, Steindl-Rast immigrated to the United States and within months located Mt. Saviour monastery, a Benedictine community on a small farm in upstate New York. He found his home at At Mt. Saviour, where the monks were practicing The Rule in its purest form, joining the order and beginning his monastic life as Brother David in 1953.
During his years of theological and philosophical training and service at Mt. Saviour, Br. David enjoyed communing with the many Protestant and Catholic clergy, intellectuals, and social justice activists who visited the monastery. In 1958-1959, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Cornell University where he became the first Roman Catholic to hold the Thorpe Lectureship. He also began to develop an interest in the monastic traditions of other religious traditions, seeing commonalities in monasticism across traditions and incorporating themes of commonality and social justice into his lectures.
His interest in Zen eventually led to a meeting and friendship with Zen monk Tai-Shimano (later known as Eido Shimano Roshi) from Japan. Tai-Shimano was invited to visit with the monks of Mt. Saviour and his theological interchanges with the monks laid the groundwork for revolutionary dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity. In 1966, Mt. Saviour gave Br. David permission to pursue Buddhist-Christian dialogue, receiving Vatican approval in 1967. He is one the first Vatican-sanctioned delegates to participate in Buddhist-Christian dialogue. Br. David went on to study Zen with teachers Hakkuun Yasutani Roshi, Soen Nakagawa Roshi, and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Br. David’s dialogue with Buddhists produced The Ground We Share: Buddhist and Christian Practice, co-authored with Robert Aitken Roshi.
Br. David met Trappist monk Thomas Merton, a fellow writer, poet, social activist, and proponent of comparative religion and together their theoretical teachings and practice ignited a renewal of religious life. After Merton’s untimely death in 1968, Br. David went on to write several explorations of Merton’s writings including Thomas Merton: Now at the Crack of Dawn and Recollections of Thomas Merton’s Last Days in the West.
In 1968, Br. David co-founded the Center for Spiritual Studies with Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, and Sufi teachers and received the 1975 Martin Buber Award for his achievements in building bridges between religious traditions. He was a leading figure in The House of Prayer Movement, which affected more than 200,000 members of religious orders across the United States and Canada. Since the 1970s, Br. David has been a member of the cultural historian William Irwin Thompson’s Lindisfarne Association.
For decades, Br. David divided his time between periods of a hermit’s life and extensive travel while delivering lectures and interviews around the world, advocating for international peace, social justice, and environmental responsibility. He has contributed chapters or interviews to a wide range of books and periodicals from the Encyclopedia Americana and The New Catholic Encyclopedia, to the New Age Journal and Parabola magazine.
His writings include Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer, The Music of Silence (with Sharon Lebell), and Belonging to the Universe, winner of the 1992 American Book Award (co-authored with physicist Fritjof Capra). Many of his books and writings have been translated into other languages, including German and Spanish. His most recent books are Words of Common Sense, Deeper than Words: Living the Apostles’ Creed, 99 Blessings: An Invitation to Life, and the upcoming The Way of Silence: Engaging the Sacred in Daily Life.
Recently, Br. David co-founded A Network for Grateful Living, a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices dedicated to gratefulness as a transformative influence for individuals and society.
Today Br. David is officially retired and living in Austria, but that has not stopped him from continuing his quest to speak about social justice, bridging cultural communities and interfaith dialogue. He hopes to do as much he can for as long as possible to inspire gratefulness in the lives of all global citizens.
Scope of collection
The Brother David Steindl-Rast Papers include Brother David’s extensive published and unpublished writings, sermons, memoirs, personal journals, correspondence, photographs, recordings, and videos of his teachings. His papers extend back to his youth in Vienna, documenting his childhood and experience during the war, including a complete run of Die Goldene Wagen, the children’s magazine published by Brother David’s mother Elisabeth Rast.
Series descriptions
Brother David’s Correspondence series spans over five decades and is mostly concentrated in the last thirty years. Family, friends, colleagues and scholars often wrote with news, to seek advice or support, or simply to send warm greetings. Many who followed his teachings of peace and community also sent thanks for his tireless efforts. Correspondence includes letters, many of which contained photos, clippings, drawings, cartoons and other ephemera. Brother David also received an abundance of cards, postcards and faxes. He later began communicating via email, as well.
Brother David clearly showed mindfulness in his writing. He always sent prompt replies, even if his response was a simple note. In reading through this series, one can clearly see the care and dedication with which he maintained relationships, and often his amiable sense of humor.
Brother David communicated with numerous individuals, including religious scholars and academic scientists Robert Aiken (later Aitken RÅshi), Raimundo Panikkar and Yehuda Ben Zion, among others. They frequently exchanged articles and other writings for review, as well as religious and scientific inquiries. He often kept in touch with religious mentors, including Eido Shimano RÅshi of New York Zendo Shobo-Ji, or Temple of True Dharma, and Shunryü Suzuki RÅshi of Tassajara Zen Mountain Center.
Although he spent much of his time in religious seclusion, that did not stop Brother David from following current events. Included in this series are letters to Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer, expressing disapproval for bills they sponsored in Congress. With much of his work and travel focused internationally, Brother David corresponded with national leaders like José MarÃa Figueres of Costa Rica. He also connected with celebrities, cultural icons and social activists like Ted Turner and Rosa Parks. David often partnered with foundations, religious centers and retreats like the Esalen Institute and Thanks-Giving Square Foundation, and related materials can be found here.
This series also contains several folders of family correspondence. Over the years, Brother David kept in frequent touch with his mother, Elisabeth Rast, who had been living in New York City since her immigration to the United States. She often recounted her days and sent news about family members and friends. Also of note, David and his brother Max Rast exchanged many letters regarding family genealogy.
Most of the collection was received packed in unsorted boxes, while other materials came already filed. This means that some correspondence was separated and letters may be incomplete. As a general rule, folders are arranged alphabetically by last name or by organization name, with date ranges marked in years. Unfortunately, some names and dates are illegible and noted on folders as “unknown.”
This series contains a rich collection of biographical and personal records that shed light on who Brother David was, both during his monastic life and before he became a monk. The biographical records in this series include family history information, diplomas, report cards, a copy of his certificate of naturalization, proof of Austrian citizenship, one of his U.S. passports, and even his baby name card. The series includes a complete run of Die Goldene Wagen, the children’s magazine published by Brother David’s mother Elisabeth Rast. Of special note are his writings of his own memories of life during World War II, as well as a certificate from the Third Reich verifying that his family’s apartment was bombed. He was frequently asked to write brief biographies to accompany his books and presentations, and numerous drafts of the various biographies he wrote are included here as well. He was quite interested in astrology, and has numerous astrological readings along with background reference material for their interpretation. Brother David loved poetry, and collected hundreds of poems, many of which are contained here. He also collected printed images and artwork that spoke to him, particularly images of children and children’s artwork.
Brother David wrote numerous articles for journals and magazines such as New Age, Yoga Journal, and Parabola, and was frequently asked to contribute to religious and scholarly anthologies. As a beloved and respected voice in interfaith dialogue, he was called upon to review books and and write forewords to publications by many other authors. The bulk of this series consists of working drafts, outlines, and review copies Br. David created in the process of preparing these materials for sharing and publication.
This series also includes a selection of handwritten and typed drafts of Br. David’s sermons, lectures, and public speeches including his “Meditation on the United Nations,” from a gathering of spiritual leaders on the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations (1975).
Drafts of Br. David’s popular writings on gratitude include “A Deep Bow” (1967) and “Are You Thankful or Are You Grateful?” (2000).
“Memories from WWII” is Br. David’s personal reflection on his youth in Austria during World War II.
Br. David nurtured a lifelong love of art, “Art and the Sacred” (1977), “Artist at the Crux of Community” (1977); and poetry. Some of his original, handwritten poetry is included in this series.
As part of his writing process, Br. David drafted the majority of his work by hand, and had them typewritten for subsequent reviews and submission for publication. In many cases, the series includes the majority of this work product for a given publication.
Also included are articles, associated correspondence, and work product originally written or transcribed into his native German.
This series focuses on Brother’s David’s public work leading workshops, speaking at conferences, and teaching courses. Notably, he participated in the Spiritual Summit Meeting called by the Temple of Understanding to mark the 30th anniversary of the United Nations, for which he gave the closing prayer. The series contains information about that meeting and a copy of a handwritten manuscript of the closing prayer. Also of note, he was part of the “Gethsemani Encounters” (both I and II), a conference of monastic interreligious dialogue that was inspired and influenced by the Dalai Lama. It brought together large numbers of Catholic nuns and monks with Buddhist monks for interfaith dialogue. The series also contains information about his involvement with the Naropa Institute’s “Buddhist/Christian Meditation” conferences. He was a frequent attendee and speaker at the “Cortona Conferences,” an annual conference starting in 2000 organized by Pier Luigi Luisi and Reinhard Nesper with the goal of exploring integration between Science and the Humanities. These were organized around dfferent themes each year. There are records for the Cortona conferences from 2001-2007, with the exception of 2006. Vanja (Hans) Palmer, close friend of Brother David, is also a frequent speaker.
The series also contains agendas, workshop materials, notes, and participant lists for numerous workshops, many of them hosted at Esalen Institute. Brother David participated in several television programs, and the series contains informational brochures, correspondence about his interviews on the programs, and in one case, a “rundown sheet” outlining the details of the television segment. There are also flyers and printed information for assorted events for which he is a featured speaker.
A large portion of the photographs in this collection feature Br. David, frequently with others. There are many unidentified or partially identified individuals and several photograph albums. Not all of the photographs have been processed.
This series contains audio cassette tapes and video cassette tapes of Brother David’s talks.
This series contains articles written about Brother David as well as other collected articles.
Various letters including Monastic Studies, Orbis Books, Arbor-Veriag, Henry and Holt Co., P’nai or Religious Fellowship, Dharma Gate
Certificate of damage from bombing.
Mary as a mother depicted during various scenes in the life of Christ.
Bound issues of a children’s magazine.
Bound issues of a children’s magazine.
Printed booklet from Middlebury College.
Includes quote from Brother David.
Copy of a handwritten certificate renewing his commitment to his vocation (in Latin).
Brother David is a participant.
On plans to establish a new monastic venture on Mt. Desert Island, Maine.
Documents, records, and correspondence chronicling the history of sucession of Sky Farm, founded by Fr. Dunstan Morrissey, OSB.
Includes “The Lord’s Prayer: A Centering Meditation”
Including question submissions, handwritten notes on “Prayer as the Love of Human Mystery,” “Questions and or Suggestions for Brother David” and Questionnaires
Including question submissions
Published in Integral Yoga (Light V, Ray 1; Spring)
Language: German
Published in Christ in der Gegenwart; title of article: “Mindfulness”.
Language: German
Published in Kirche Intern, 4 Jg., Nr. 6.
Handwritten with edits.
Published in Catholic Art Quarterly, v. XXII, no. 4; Michaelmas.
Handwritten and typed versions from The Creed.
Typewritten version for Family Festivals, v. 2, no. 5.
Including typewritten drafts, and correspondence and edits from Robert Giroux
Language: German
Typewritten drafts.
Published in Lindisfarne Letter 6.
Language: German
With Robert Aitken and Diane Shainburg. Published in Tricycle, v.1, no. 1, Fall 1991.
Reprint. Published in Cosmic Piety: Modern Man and the Meaning of the University, edited by Christopher Derrick.
Original poetry.
Published in Good Work, v. 31, no. 2; includes published and typed drafts.
Published in Good Work, v. 28, no. 1.
Published in Good Work, v. 29, no. 4; includes publushed and typed drafts, handwritten notes.
Newspaper clipping
Contains various articles, booklets and fragments of articles that contain a quote from Brother David.
Copy of handwritten speech.
Outline, notes, correspondence.
Published in Integral Yoga, Light IV, Ray 1.
For Parabola‘s “Thieves Gallery”; typed draft, correspondence.
Desert Call, v. 20, nos 2-3 (Summer-Fall).
Published in Worship, v. 48, no. 7; includes typed draft dated 1973.
Published in Worship, v. 48, no. 7; Includes postcard from Michael Max O.S.B.
Issue of the Worship, v. 48, no. 7.
Published in New Covenant, v. 4, no. 7
Published in Monastic Studies, no. 8 and reprint copy.
Published in Integral Yoga, v. vi, no. 2.
Manuscript copies. Note on front: manuscript circulation limited.
Handwritten draft.
Published in Buddhist Concerned for Animals Newsletter, issue no 5.; published, typed and handwritten drafts.
Hanwritten and typed drafts, handwritten notes.
Published in Community Spirit Magazine, v. 4, no. 12.
Published in Integral Yoga, v. 15, no. 6; includes typed draft.
An audiovisual presentation prepared by Brother David.
To mark the 30th anniversary of United Nations; handwritten draft.
Written for Forum 10, #2.
Ethics exam.
Handwritten draft.
Language: French
Published in Collectanea CisterciensiaTome (Volume) 34-1
A book review of The Vedic Experienced: Mantramanjari by Raimundo Panikkar.
Language: Spanish
Published in Schola Caritatis, no. 65.
Benedict’s Dharma 1-2001, Chapter 6.
In Earth’s Answer.
Published in Good Work, v. 27, no. 2.
Typed draft.
Typed transcript of a conference talk.
Preliminary Clarifications for the Oka Symposium
Published in Benedictines, v. XXVI, no. 2.
Handwritten draft.
Typed draft; entry for New Catholic Encyclopedia.
The Creed: “A First Sampling of the New Creed Material”
Handwritten draft with correspondence.
The Creed: German, with English revision notes
The Creed
Handwritten outlines, notes.
The Creed
Manuscript with outline.
The Creed
Research materials.
The Creed
Section outlines, handwritten draft.
The Creed:: review
Review notes from Damon Williams.
The Creed:Review: review
Review notes from Helen.
The Creed:Review: review
Revision notes from Joan.
The Creed:Review: review
Review and feedback from Nancy Graeft.
The Creed:Review: review copy
Handwritten review copy returned from Sandy but with no notes or comments.
The Creed:Review: review
Review notes from Thomas Matus.
The Creed: Review copies
Language: German and English
Review comments, correspondence; various authors.
Handwritten draft, notes/outline on the proverbs and common sense.
Language: German
Published in Glücks-Post; translation: “Gratitude Creates Happiness.”
Published in Main Currents, v. 23, no. 5.
Published in Christian Faith in a Religiously Plural World, edited by Donald G. Dawe and John B. Carman.
Response to “On the Re-creating of Desire and Purity of Heart: An Exploration” by Fr. Bede Healey.
Handwritten notes, outlines.
Notes and research.
Published in Parabola, v. 2; includes a permission to publish request from Macmillan to use the material in a book titles Endtime: The Doomsday Catalog edited by William Griffin.
Typescript of talk delivered at Siena Center of Prayer Experience in Racine, Wisconsin; unauthorized typescript of taped recording.
Language: German
Handwritten and typed drafts, notes.
Language: German
Handwritten and typed drafts, notes.
Language: German and English
Includes handwritten and typewritten drats; correspondence relating to manuscript; article by Huston Smith
Handwritten and typed drafts.
Language: German
Translation: “Finally Alone! A Christmas Story”.
Published in Cross Currents.
Published in Forefront, v. 2, no. 3.
Language: German
Published in Prophetic Voices: Ideas and Words on Revolution” edited by Ned O’Gorman.
Published in Integral Yoga, v. VIII, no. 5.
Transcription from S.E.N. Conference, Esalen; handwritten notes, edited and typed drafts.
Published in Entheogens and the Future of Religion edited by Robert Forte.
Published in Monastic Studies.
Published in Integral Yoga, v. VII, no. 1.
Handwritten and typed drafts.
Published in LamaviewsIssue 1 Summer 1984
Includes correspondence from Mary Ford-Grabowsky and Jane Huggins, a copy of Anima/l: The Magazine of Ministries for Animals Vol. 2 No. 1 Spring/Summer 1988 and handwritten notes
Drafts and notes for memorial services including Jill Reardon Bart, Bob Wyant and Jack Lewis and Norman
Includes correspondence and notes entitled “Church”
Typed. handwritten drafts, notes, correspondence.
Typed and handwritten drafts.
Typed and handwritten notes.
Published in Good Work, v. XXIX, no. 4.
Published in Good Work, v. XXIX, no. 4.
Language: German
Published in Wege…Zur Synthese von Natur und Mensch.
Panel entitled: “Spiritual Direction”, Published in The Naropa Institute Bulletin.
Includes correspondence, outline/notes, handwritten version, edited typewritten version.
In Gratefulness, The Heart of Prayer, an annotated copy.
Published in Living Words: Daily Devotions for Catholics“.
Published in Spirituality & Health.
Handwritten draft, notes.
Language: German
Handwritten draft.
Published in Monastic Experiences of Interreligious Dialogue, special issue of the International Bulletin (E. 14).
Published in The Community of Religions: Voices and Images of the Parliament of the World’s Religions edited by Wayne Teasdale and George Cairns. Handwritten and typed drafts.
Includes research notes, correspondence, notes on Berlin Meeting Science and Spirituality International Symposium
Handwritten outline, notes.
Published in The Lamp: A Christian Unity Magazine, v. 70, no. 1.
Typewritten and handwritten drafts including “Healing from a Harmful God-View”, “Healing the Soul-Sick Notion of a “Sin-Sick Soul”, “By What Method did Jesus Heal?”, “Parentheism: A God-View to Heal Division”
Conference transcript.
Sermon delivered at Sage Chapel, Cornell University.
Conference transcript.
Conference transcript.
Published in Parabola, v. VII, no. 3.
Given by Brother David at Middlebury College.
Published in NICM Journal, v. 4, no. 1; includes typed draft and published journal.
Published in Integral Yoga, v. X, no. 4.
Published in Family Festivals, v. 4, no.4. August/September
Published in The Lamp/A Christian Unity Magazine, v. 69, no. 11.
Published in St. Anthony Messenger.
Handwritten drafts
Handwritten draft.
Language: German
Baccalaureate sermon, Elmire College, Trinity Sunday.
With Tenshin Anderson Sensei. Published in Naropa Magazine, v. 1, no. 1, Feb 1984.
Published in Mastery: Conversations with Remarkable People.”, Rudra Press.
Interview conducted by Megan Biesele, published in Generation, v. XVII, no. 3; includes handwritten note to mother and typewritten sermon.
Interview conducted by Stephan Bodian, published in Yoga Journal; includes publushed and typewritten drafts.
Interview conducted by Saniel Bonder, published in The Laughing Man; v. 2, no. 2.
Interview conducted by Wm. Buckley, transcript of a Firing Line program taped September 27, 1984.
Interview conducted by R. Scott Colglazier.
Interview with Jonathan Drake; published in Community Spirit.
Interview conducted by Scott Dunham and Mike Fedorschak. Published in Divine Slave Gita.
Published in Rigpa Rundbrief, Heft No. 3, Winter 1991..
Interview conducted by Mary Ford-Grabowsky; published in Fellowship in Prayer, v. 46, no. 3
Language: German
Draft and correspondence.
Published in Sacred Journey, v. 58, no. 1.
Revision notes included.
Published in New Age, v. 9, no. 2.
Published in OkoVision, v. 1, no. 1, Jahrgang Herbst ’93-Fruhjarh ’94.
Language: German
Published in Vision.
Published in Vision.
Published in Yoga International.
Published in Parabola, v. VII, no. 4, Oct 1982.
Published in Magazin 2000, no. 3, Juli 1982\\85.
Interview with Kate Olsen’ published in Spirituality & Health.
Published in Sisters Today, v. 48, no. 9, May 1977.
Interview conducted by Rochard Smoley in Gnosis, no. 24.
Published in Intras, 3 Jg, Nummer 13, Herbst ’92.
Published in Good Work: Quarterly of the Catholic Art Association, v. XXXII, no. 2; includes typed drafts and published copies.
Typed drafts including a drawn diagram
An outline.
Manuscript copy, includes “Exploration Into God” transcript
Including writings by Pier Luigi Luisi
Language: German
Published in Erbe und Auftrag.
Published in Parabola, v. II, no. 1; includes published and type drafts, hand-marked edits.
Hanuman Foundation Dying Project Newsletter #5.
Published in New Age, v. 7, no. 6; excerpted from Parabola, 1977.
Published in Circular; reprinted from Parabola, 1977.
Handwritten draft, additions.
Language: German
Handwritten and typed drafts.
Language: French
Published in Collectanea CisterciensiaTome (volume) 33-3
Language: German
Published in The Coevolution Quarterly, issue no. 9.
Published in The Lamp/ A Christian Unity MagazineDecember Vo.69 No.12
Published in Tricycle, v. 1, no. 3.
Conference transcription.
The R.P.I. Conference on The House of God; typewritten with edits.
Published in Daily Word, v. 145, no. 8.
Reviewed by Brother David Steindl-Rast, April 1977
Handwritten manuscripts.
Published in Thomas Merton Monk: A Monastic Tribute edited by Brother Patrick Hart.
Man’s Encounter with Mystery (A School of Heart)
Typed draft; 2 copies.
Contribution to Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow; including correspondence
Typed draft.
First draft, German translation, handwritten.
Including copy of Metamorphosen and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Conference transcription.
Edited draft with transcription queries, letter from reviewer, Timothy Meyer.
Reprint. Published in Abba: Guides to Wholeness and Holiness, Cisterian Studies series, no. 38; John Sommerfeldt editor. The book is available in the collection as well.
Published in Alternative Perspectives on Vietnam, edited by Converse, Kelmanm, and Vandenberg.
Delivered at the Odo Casel Society on April 5th.
Published in Encyclopedia Americana with letter from the editor, Alan Smith.
Includes correspondence, handwritten notes, writing by others; Br. David writings include: “For the New Catholic Encyplopedia” and “A Monastic Study Center”
Grof Workshop, Esalen.
Including: Redfinition of Poverty; Money and the Human Commuinity; Money, Intelligence, Poor
Published in Earth’s Answer: Explorations of Planetary Culture at Lindisfarne Conferences.
Published in Epiphany, v.1, no. 3.
Ten Day Yoga Retreat, St. Joseph’s Retreat House.
Published in Aurores, no. 30.
Published in Mystics and Scholars: The Calgary Conference on Mysticism.
Published in Sister Formation Bulletin Vol.15 No.4 Summer
Published in ReVISION, summer 1989.
Published in New Realities, March/April 1990.
Published in ReVISION, v. 10, no. 2.
Published in Epiphany, v. 3, no. 3.
Language: German
German translation by Christine Stecher.
Written in response to the Vatican’s “New Age” document for The National Catholic Reporter.
Written with Daniel Uvanovic; includes comments.
Dialogue with Fritjof Capra and Joanna Macy; published in The Elmwood Newsletter, v. 5, no. 1.
Handwritten and typed drafts.
Written with Ram Dass, published in Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, v. 9, no. 2; includes published and typewritten draft.
First Biennial Conference; interview with Richard Baker-roshi and Brother David Steindl-Rast conducted by Stephen Most.
Language: German
Published in Visionen.
Language: German
Excerpt from Wende Zeit im Christen Tum by Fritjof Capra and David Steindl-Rast
Published in Parabola, v. V, no. 3.
Merton Commemorative at Columbia, inauguration of The Thomas Merton Lecture; handwritten outline and notes.
Correspondence, lecture program.
Language: German
Published in Themaklosterleben; includes correspondence.
To be published in Living Peace in Difficult Times: Peace Principles and Practices Inspired by the Prayer of St. Francis.
Includes drafts, original drawings
Includes handwritten and typewritten drafts, includes notes on “Das Lied vom Kinde” by Clemens Brentano; includes title: “Animals”,
Includes handwritten drafts “Eyes” and related correspondence
Language: German and English
Includes handmade calendar
Includes drafts, original drawings
Includes handrawn calendar, final copy of poem calendar book,”Small Offerings” Vol.1 No.2 Winter 1986, and untitled poems
Published in Praying, no. 75
Includes handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, Buddhist Peace Fellowship Newsletter related to Cardinal Ratzinger.
Published in Monastic Studies, Autumn 1969; includes typed draft and published version.
In Multi-Media Worship: A Model and Nine Viewpoints, Myron B. Bloy, Jr. ed.
Published in NICM Journal, v. 8, no. 1.
In Yoga Journal, issue 61.
Published in ReVISION, v. 9, no. 1.
Published in ReVISION, v. 9, no. 1.
In What is Enlightenment?, vol. 5, no. 1.
Published in Warm Wind, v. II, no. 1, includes published, typewritten and handwritten drafts. Includes a note to his mother.
“Schola Pacis”: foreward
Published in Living Words.
Written with Fritjof and Thomas Merton.
In The Sun, issue 137.
Reprint in Thomas Merton Center Newsletter.
In Areopagus: A Living Encounter with Today’s Relgious World,” volume 2, no. 1.
In Forum.
In Spirituality & Health.
In Spuren, Nr. 82.
In CoEvolution Quarterly.
Presentation from the Chicago Liturgical Conference.
In The Quest, vol. 3, no. 2.
An inteview in Integral Yoga Magazine.
Stand on Your Own Two Feet by Natalie Smith, foreward
United Nations Chapel, October 4, 1985.
In Integral Yoga, Light IV, Ray 3-4.
In Zicht, Jaargarg II, Nummer 4.
Published in The CoEvolution Quarterly no. 6, June 1975.
In Prophetic Voices: Ideas and Words on Revolution.
In Sacred Journey, vol. 61, no. 2.
In Spirituality and Health.
Published in “The Upper Room Disciplines: A Book of Daily Devotions,” Upper Room Books, copyright 2007.
For publication in the Journal of National Institute for Campus Ministries.
Published in Getting It Together: The Heritage of Thomas Merton, edited by Timothy Mulhearn; Michael Glazier, Inc., copyright 1984.
Typed and edited manuscripts.
Published in Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution, State University of New York Press, copyright 1988.
For New ERA 1983-1984 conference “God: The Contemporary Discussion”.
Published in Heart and Wings Journal, v. VII, no. 1.
In Commonweal, vol. CVII, no. 14.
Language: German
Typed translations, copy of English original Pig Dreams.
Handwritten draft with edits.
Language: German and English
Book review of The Passion of the Western Mindby Richard Tarnas; Includes handwritten and typewritten drafts, correspondence, and other works by Tarnas
Language: German
Published in Lesebuch zu bedrängenden fragen unserer Zeit
Published in Parabola, v. II, issue 3.
Language: German
Published in Christ in der Gegenwart, Nr. 39.
Author listed is Father William McNamara. Has a note from Brother David that says “Plagiarized. When Mother first read it, she thought it was by me”.
Language: German
Published in East-West Review; includes published and typed draft.
Published in Ecology, Crisis, and New Vision edited by Richard E. Sherrell.
Published in Brothers, v. 10, no. 1; includes typed and handwritten drafts, published version, notes, outline, and correspondence.
Published in Integral Yoga, Jayanthi Issue, Ray 16.
Published in Integral Yoga, Light IV, Ray 2.
Message for the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations, Planetary Citizens.
Handwritten draft.
Published in The Sister Miriam League of Prayer Bulletin, vol. 26 No. 4 May 1972
Foreward to the new edition of Music of Silence: A Sacred Journey Through the Hours of the Day.
With handwritten, translated passages from A. D. Sertillanges’ Le Christianisme et la Philosophies.
Manuscript of copy in “The Lamp,” Jan 1972.
Published in exCHANGE, v. 4, no. 3.
Published by University of Wisconsin Catholic Center.
Draft notes.
Speech and transcribed Q & A, Middlebury Symposium.
Transcript and edits for publication, correspondence with Steven Rockefeller.
Published chapter in Christ and the Bodhisattva, v. 70, no. 1.
Published in The Lamp: A Christian Unity Magazine, v. 70, no. 1.
Printed copies of the article.
Two handwritten manuscripts.
Typed drafts.
Includes handwritten draft and correspondence
Published in CrossCurrents, v. 24, no. 2-3.
Writings and research; Including speech “Work and Leisure”, “Work and Leisure published inGood Work and writings by others
Published in Good Work, v. XXXII, no. 1.
Published in Good Work, v. XXVII, no. 4.
Handwritten draft, notes.
Published in One Earth: The Findhorn Foundation Magazine, v. 6, issue 3.
Published in Yoga and Health, v. 13, no. 8.
The book is in the collection. Published in Careers in Christian Ministry (Consortium Books).
Published in Geist und Natur, Scherz Publishers, copyright 1989.
Language: German
This book is in the collection. Published in MYSTIK-Spiritualitat der Kukunft, Verlag Herder, copyright 2005.
The book is in the collection. Published in Leaning on the Moment: Interviews from Parabola. Parabola Books, copyright 1986.
The book is in the collection. Published in Fugitive Faith: Interviews by Benjamin Webb. Orbis Books, copyright 1998.
The book is in the collection. Published in The Soul of Nature: Visions of a Living Earth, The Continuum Publishing Company, copyright 1994.
The book is in the collection. Written with Fritjof Capra. Harper Collins Publisher, copyright 1991.
The book is in the collection. Published in Cosmic Piety: Modern Man and the Meaning of the University, edited by Christopher Derrick.
The book is in the collection. Brother David is one of several interviewees / contributors throughout the book. Sillpoint Publishing, copyright 1994.
This book is in the collection. Published in Tying Rocks to Clouds: Meetings and Conversations wiht Wise and Spritual People, Quest Books, copyright 1995.
The book is in the collection. Dangles Publishers, copyright 1983.
The book is in the collection. Crossroad Publishing Company, copyright 2008.
Credo: Ein Glaube, der alle verbindet Mit einem Vorwort des Dalai Lama
The book is in the collection. Published by Verlag Herder, copyright 2011.
Published in In the Footsteps of Gandhi: Conversations with Spiritual Social Activists, Parallax Press, copyright 1990.
This book is in the collection. Published in Thomas Merton: Prophet in the Belly of a Paradox edited by Gerald Twomey. Paulist Press, copyright 1978.
This book is in the collection. Published in From the Ashes: A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America, Rodale Publishers, copyright 2001.
This book is in the collection. Published in For the Love of God: New Writings by Spiritual and Psychological Leaders, New World Library Publishers, copyright 1990.
Language: German
This book is in the collection. Published in Was kommt. Was geht. Was bleibt., Verlag Herder, copyright 2001.
The book is in the collection. Published in Entheogens and the Future of Religion edited by Robert Forte.
The book is in the collection.
Language: German
This book is in the collection. Published by metapolitik, copyright 1985.
Language: German
This book is in the collection. Published by Verlag Herder, copyright 2011.
This book is in the collection. Published in The Psychology of Gratitude, Oxford University Press, copyright 2004.
this book is in the collection. Paulist Press, copyright 1984.
The book is in the collection. Published in Crossing Points of Wisdom:Toward a Mutually Enhancing World, published by Sophia Books, copyright 2007.
The book is in the collection. Published in The Community of Religions: Voices and Images of the Parliament of the World’s Religions edited by Wayne Teasdale and George Cairns.
The book is in the collection.
The book is in the collection. Triumph Books, copyright 1994..
This book is in the collection. Published in The Joseph Campbell Phenomenon: Implications for the Contemporary Church, The Pastoral Press, copyright 1992.
This book is in the collection. Published in Was menschen bewegt Hoffnung, Kreuz Verlag, copyright 2010.
This book is in the collection. Published by Crossroad Publishing Company, copyright 1983
This book is in the collection. Published in Thomas Merton Monk: A Monastic Tribute edited by Brother Patrick Hart. Cistercian Publications, copyright 1983.
The book is in the collection. Published in Abba: Guides to Wholeness and Holiness, Cisterian Studies series, no. 38; John Sommerfeldt editor. The book is available in the collection as well.
The books is in the collection.Published in Earth’s Answer: Explorations of Planetary Culture at Lindisfarne Conferences.
This book is in the collection. Harper Collins Publishers, copyright 1995.
Nature’s Faithfulness and Ours
The book is in the collection. Published in “Crisis and the Renewal of Creation: Church and World in the Age of Ecology.” Edited by Golliher, Jeffrey and Logan, Wm. Bryant. Published by The Continuum Publishing Company, copyright 1996.
This book is in the collection. Published by Verlag Herder, copyright 2010.
This book is in the collection. Published in Talking to God: Portrait of a World at Prayer, Stone Creek Publications, copyright 2006.
The book is in the collection. Published in The Best Spiritual Writing, edited by Philip Zaleskino. Harper Collins Publishers, copyright 1998.
The book is in the collection. Published in For a Future to Be Possible: Commentaries on the Five Wonderful Precepts, edited by Thich Nhat Hanh. Parallax Press, copyright 1993.
This book is in the collection. Published in Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow: 145 Views of the New Millennium, Quest Books, copyright 1993.
This book is in the collection. Published in Multi-Media Worship: A Model and Nine Viewpoints edited by Myron B. Bloy, Jr., The Seabury Press.
This book is in the collection. Published in Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc, copyright 1991.
This book is in the collection. Esoterik Press, copyright 1996.
This book is in the collection. Published in Speaking of Silence: Christians and Buddhists on the Contemplative Way, Paulist Press, copyright 1987.
This book is in the collection. Published in Was Menschen bewegt Freude, published by Kreuz Verlag, copyright 2011.
This book is in the collection. Published by Verlag Herder, copyright 1996.
The book is in the collection. Published in “The Upper Room Disciplines: A Book of Daily Devotions,” Upper Room Books, copyright 2007.
Language: German
This book is in the collection. Published in Leben 2011, Herder, copyright 2010.
Language: German
This book is in the collection. Published by Tyrolia-Verlag, copyright 2012.
This book is in the collection. Published in Im Haus der Weisheit: Spirituelle Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sprechen uber ihre Visionen fur unsere Zeit;,Kosel Publishers, copyright 2008.
This book is in the collection. Scherz Publishers, copyright 1991.
The book is in the collection. Published in Ecology, Crisis, and New Vision edited by Richard E. Sherrell.
This book is in the collection. Templeton Foundation Press, copyright 2002.
Includes correspondence
Oversized; Locations: San Francisco
Oversized; Featuring: Father Hilmy Ottersmeyer (?), various solo photos of Brother David through his life
Overszied; Locations: Benedictine Grange; Featuring: Elisabeth Steindl-Rast
Oversized; Featuring: Janet Sugimoto, Yvonne Rand (?), Father Charlie Oyabu, Father Francis Tiso, Brooks Pzouty, Vanja Palmers and Julia Aryulunz (?); Locations: Sacramento, CA; Tassajara; Assisi; Camaldoli Naples
Including: The Krassner Family, Guy Rene, Francis Kuno, Paul Cox, The Bill Walsh Family, Rev, Dr. Engel Kreyeder (?)
Location: David’s Masters Graduation ceremony
Featuring: Fritz Weber, Brigitta Ropers, Roland Ropers, Sister Dominique Long, Vanja and Simone, and Sri Swami Satchidananda
Locations: Various including Darmstadt, Germany
Oversized item
Oversized item
Featuring: Solo shots of Brother David, Franz Kuno and Burli
Locations: Italy, Austria, France, Paris, Moscow, Adelaide, Australia, Alaska, Prague, Zurich, Guatemala
Inlcudes handwritten note for Special Collections and University Archives UMass Amherst from Brother David
Featuring: Brother David, Anthony, and “monkey mascot”
Oversized; Featuring: Brother David with Unidentified Clergy and Mount Savior shots, Includes a CD of photos
Featuring: Various Sisters and Brother David
Oversized; Includes: Postcards, Correspondence, and Puerto Rico Information
Oversized; Locations: Switzerland and Italy
Oversized; Locations: Switzerland and Italy
Oversized; Featuring: Mount Savior and Brother David with Unidentified People
Including: Book “Neulandschule” and Pamphlet “Pfarrbrief” August 1978 and Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Map
Including: Correspondence
Oversized; Locations: Beecher Lake, Gassho, Ithaca, Cornell, Hermitage
Oversized; Featuring: Photos of Brother David praying, loose photos, cats and unidentified people
Includes first name labels on each picture
Featuring Brother David with Swami Chidananda, Swami Sharadananda, and Swami Gurucharanananda
Location: New York. Radio program with Brother David and Mother Theresa, but separate interviews, not in dialogue with one another. Starts with music. Salik Media, 50 W. 97th St. NYC 10025
Location: New York. Brother David and Mother Theresa at the U.N. including Brother David’s talk and prayer. Side 2 of the tape has conclusion of tape #24.
Location: Albany, New York. Long Introduction. Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. MCL 759.
Location: Albany, New York. Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. MCL 759.
Location: Albany, New York. Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. MCL 759.
Location: Albany, New York. Alba House Cassettes, A Ministry of the Society of St.Paul, Box 595, Canfield, Ohio 44406-0595.
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia. Daughters of St. Paul, 58 Abbotsford Road, Hombush, Australia 2140.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place. Tape B side blank.
Location: Annhurst III. Yoga Ecumenical Retreat – Swamiji.
Location: Canada. Radio Program; Chief Dan George + DSR; Starts with music + introduction.
Location: St. John’s University. Poor sound; static and microphone problems. ** Tape too damaged to process ** Only raw version (R) exists.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Loretto Motherhouse, St. Catherine, Kentucky.
Location: Loretto Motherhouse, St. Catherine, Kentucky.
Location: Fort Smith.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Madison, Wisconsin. Audio Limited, P.O. Box 1376, Madison, Wis. 53701 Starts with music; Dr. Jacob Needleman et al.
Location: Madison, Wisconsin. Audio Limited, P.O. Box 1376, Madison, Wis. 53701 Starts with music; Dr. Jacob Needleman et al.
Location: Madison, Wisconsin. Audio Limited, P.O. Box 1376, Madison, Wis. 53701 Starts with music; Dr. Jacob Needleman et al.
Location:Omega Institute, New York. Tape B side blank.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, New York. Tape B side blank.
Location: unknown place. Lindesfarne tapes.
Location: unknown place. Lindesfarne tapes.
Location: unknown place. Lindesfarne tapes.
Location: Sufi Healing Order, Oregon.
Location: New Orleans. NCR; large hall, echoing.
Location: Denver, Colorado. NCR.
Location: Denver, Colorado. NCR.
Location: unknown place. Butterfly Media, 8817 Shirley Ave., Northride, Cal, 91324 (213)886-4703.
Location: unknown place. Butterfly Media, 8817 Shirley Ave., Northride, Cal, 91324 (213)886-4703. Tape B side blank.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: St. Louis, MO. NARB.
Location: St. Louis, MO. NARB.
Location: St. Louis, MO. NARB.
Location: unknown place. NICM.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY. Side A is blank.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY. (clicking noise)
Location: Mount Saviour, NY.
Location: Mount Saviour, NY. Word Out Of Silence Symposium.
Location: Amherst College. Baccalaureate; Good introduction.
Location: Chinook Learning Community, Clinton, Washington. (background hum)
Location: unknown place.
Location: Washington, D.C. East Coast Conference For Religious Education.
Location: Loretto Heights College, Kentucky.
Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana. Starts in the middle of a sentence.
Location: Cathedral of St. John The Divine, NYC.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place. (Tape blank on both sides) Note: I believe there is audio here.
Location: Washington, D.C. and Satchidananda Ashram, Yogaville, Inc. Starts with long Hindu chanting.
Location: Washington, D.C. and Satchidananda Ashram, Yogaville, Inc. Starts with long Hindu chanting.
Location: unknown place. NCR; Starts with brief music.
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana. Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center.
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana. Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center.
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana. Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center.
Location: Lafayette, Louisiana. Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop (tape 88 has background rumble).
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop (tape 92 has background rumble).
Location: St. Scholastica College, Chicago, Ill. 5-day workshop.
Location: unknown place. Maryknoll Fathers.
Location: unknown place. Maryknoll Fathers.
Location: unknown place. Maryknoll Fathers.
Location: unknown place. Maryknoll Fathers.
Location: unknown place. Maryknoll Fathers.
Location: Connecticut.
Location: Sydney, Australia.
Location: Amsterdam, Holland. Spirit of Peace Conference.
Location: Amsterdam, Holland. Spirit of Peace Conference.
Location: Boulder, Colorado. According to information on the tape, this was a dialogue with Eido Roshi on a radio program, “Images,” during the 4th Buddhist/Christian Conference; starts with music.
Location: Middlebury, Vermont. Symposium at Middlebury College (slight echo).
Location: Middlebury, Vermont. Symposium at Middlebury College (slight echo).
Location: Boulder, Colorado. Naropa Inst. Conf. on Christian and Buddhist Meditation (voice good; background noise).
Location: St. John The Divine, NYC.
Location: Clinton, Washington. Chinook Learning Center.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Pastoral Center, New Zealand. Audio-Visual Dept., Palmerston, North.
Location: Eugene, Oregon. (Some parts sound is bad).
Location: Eugene, Oregon.
Location: Eugene, Oregon.
Location: Eugene, Oregon.
Location: Eugene, Oregon.
Location: Eugene, Oregon.
Location: Eugene, Oregon.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico.
Location: San Cristobal, New Mexico. (much static).
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Black Mountain, N.C. Healing Order of the Sufi, Rt. 2, Box 166 Leicester, North Carolina.
Location: Boulder, Colorado. (Last part of tape 141 on back tape 139).
Location: Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Ananda Ashrama, La Crescenta, Cal.
Location: Kansas City, Kansas.
Location: Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. Interview on “Kindred Spirit.” Last part of tape 151 on back of tape 145.
Location: Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Boulder, Colorado. Last part of tape 151 on back of tape 145.
Location: Pastoral Centre, New Zealand.
Location: Pastoral Centre, New Zealand.
Location: Pastoral Centre, New Zealand.
Location: unknown place. Excellent for “The 3 Worlds of Prayer”.
Location: Denver, Colorado.
Location: University of St. Louis, Missouri.
Location: Mercy Center.
Location: Deaking University, Australia. Patrick Hutchins, Peter Fenner, ParushaHama, Bilimoria.
Location: Diocese of Bridgeport, Connn. Continuing Education Series.
Location: Big Sur, California.
Location: Big Sur, California.
Location: unknown place. See tapes 180, 181 for “Kingdom” and “Power”.
Location: unknown place. By Sr. Miriam Therese McGillis, not Brother David.
Location: Omega Institute. Sacred Spirit, P.O. Box 300, Shaker Rd., New Lebanon, N.Y. 12125.
Location: Omega Institute. Sacred Spirit, P.O. Box 300, Shaker Rd., New Lebanon, N.Y. 12125.
Location: Omega Institute. Sacred Spirit, P.O. Box 300, Shaker Rd., New Lebanon, N.Y. 12125.
Location: Omega Institute. Sacred Spirit, P.O. Box 300, Shaker Rd., New Lebanon, N.Y. 12125.
Location: Findhorn Foundation, Scotland.
Location: 1506/8510 Cortona, Italy. Karlheinz Hammerle, Hohenstr. 111 A-6020 Innsbruck; Tel.(05222)37678 German.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location: Crestone, Colorado.
Location:unknown place.
Location: Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurter Ring; English.
Location: Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurter Ring; English.
Location: Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurter Ring; English.
Location: Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurter Ring; English.
Location: Big Sur, California. If beginning TQ2 eliminated. Grof Workshop, Esalen.
Location: Big Sur, California. Slight background hum. Grof Workshop, Esalen.
Location: St. Louis University, Missouri. IRF Workshop.
Location: St. Louis University, Missouri. IRF Workshop.
Location: St. Louis University, Missouri. IRF Workshop.
Location: California. Institute For Creation-Centered Spirituality. (ICCS) – Matthew Fox.
Location: California. Institute For Creation-Centered Spirituality. (ICCS) – Matthew Fox.
Location: unknown place. Lecture side 1 called: “The Transforming Power Of Faith, John Eudes Bamberger, O.C.S.O. Lecture side 2 called: “Living For The Day Of The Lord” by Henri Nouwen.
Location: Columbia Univ. Law Library, NYC.
Location: Mt. Augustin Apostolic Center, Staten Island, N.Y. NCR Tapes.
Location: Mt. Augustin Apostolic Center, Staten Island, N.Y. NCR Tapes.
Location: Mt. Augustin Apostolic Center, Staten Island, N.Y. NCR Tapes.
Location: Mt. Augustin Apostolic Center, Staten Island, N.Y. NCR Tapes.
Location: Mt. Augustin Apostolic Center, Staten Island, N.Y. NCR Tapes.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: Gonzaga University.
Location: Gonzaga University.
Location: Gonzaga University.
Location: Gonzaga University.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: New York Open Center, NYC.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York.
Location: Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York.
Locatin: Oakland, California. Association For Humanistic Psychology.
Locatin: Oakland, California. Association For Humanistic Psychology.
Locatin: Oakland, California. Association For Humanistic Psychology.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: unknown place.
Location: San Francisco, California. Buddhist/ Christian Conference.
Location: San Francisco, California. Buddhist/ Christian Conference.
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dept. of Religion, University Of Michigan.
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dept. of Religion, University Of Michigan.
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop.
Location: Santa Barbara, California. My notes from the Hermitage say there are 5 tapes from this workshop. From David i received only 3. CS – there are tapes for 256 and 257 that were digitized.
Location:Location: Santa Barbara, California. My notes from the Hermitage say there are 5 tapes from this workshop. From David i received only 3. CS – there are tapes for 256 and 257 that were digitized.
Location:Location: Santa Barbara, California. My notes from the Hermitage say there are 5 tapes from this workshop. From David i received only 3. CS – there are tapes for 256 and 257 that were digitized.
Location:Location: Santa Barbara, California. My notes from the Hermitage say there are 5 tapes from this workshop. From David i received only 3. CS – there are tapes for 256 and 257 that were digitized.
Location:Location: Santa Barbara, California. My notes from the Hermitage say there are 5 tapes from this workshop. From David i received only 3. CS – there are tapes for 256 and 257 that were digitized.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Dialogue with Fritjof Capra.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Dialogue with Fritjof Capra.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Dialogue with Fritjof Capra.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Dialogue with Fritjof Capra.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Dialogue with Fritjof Capra.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Dialogue with Fritjof Capra.
Location: Mercy Center, Burlingame, California. Festival 88; Several speakers.
Location: Mercy Center, Burlingame, California. Festival 88; Several speakers.
Location: Wörgl, Austria. German.
Location: Wörgl, Austria. German.
Location: BH Neuwaldegg, Wien, Austria. German.
Location: BH Neuwaldegg, Wien, Austria. German.
Location: Innsbruck. German; Tape 271 I reserved for Innsbruck, but the lecture required only 1 tape.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Salzburg. German; Speech clear but high-pitched background sound.
Location: Salzburg. German.
Location:Location: Bildungshaus Batschuns, Austria. German.
Location: Bildungshaus Batschuns, Austria. German.
Location: München, Germany. German; Tape 277 was reserved for Munich but the lecture required only 1 tape.
Location: Frankfurter Ring, Frankfurt, Germany. German.
Location: Frankfurter Ring, Frankfurt, Germany. German.
Location: Hannover, Germany. German; but woman’s introduction in English.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: San Francisco, California. Fritjof Capra, Joanna Macy, Doyle.
Location: San Francisco, California. Fritjof Capra, Joanna Macy, Doyle.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location:Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Assisi, Italy. German; A number of the tapes were recorded outside; could hear birds.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. Internationale Pädagogische Werktagung: German: In large hall; some sounded distant.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. Internationale Pädagogische Werktagung: German: In large hall; some sounded distant.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. Internationale Pädagogische Werktagung: German: In large hall; some sounded distant.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. Internationale Pädagogische Werktagung: German: In large hall; some sounded distant.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. Internationale Pädagogische Werktagung: German: In large hall; some sounded distant.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. Internationale Pädagogische Werktagung: German: In large hall; some sounded distant.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. (distant).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. (high tone in background).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. (background noise).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. (distant).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. (background noise).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: unknown place. NICM.
Location: unknown place. NICM.
Location: unknown place. NICM: Notes from original word file says “Both sides blank ” but that was not the case when digitizing.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. Other speakers.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. Other speakers.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California.
Location: Tassajara (California).
Location: Tassajara (California).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. Reb Anderson and Brother David.
Location: College of St. Benedict, St. Johns, Minnesota.
Location: College of St. Benedict, St. Johns, Minnesota
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. Reb Anderson and Brother David: Some background buzz.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Friends of Esalen: Everything he says echoes; very strange.
Location: Berlin, Germany. In German.
Location: Berlin, Germany.
Location: Berlin, Germany.
Location: Berlin, Germany.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Carmel, California. Some background buzz.
Location: unknown place. DSR Interviewed by Michael Toms; music.
Location: The Body and Spirituality. Panel Discussion: Sandy Boucher, Myriam Dardenne, Robert Hall, Naomi Newman, Don, Hanlon Johnson, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Brother David Steindl-Rast.
Location: The Body and Spirituality. Panel Discussion: Sandy Boucher, Myriam Dardenne, Robert Hall, Naomi Newman, Don, Hanlon Johnson, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Brother David Steindl-Rast.
Location: Methodist Church, Miami, Florida. Polly Cook, host.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Frankfurter Ring, Frankfurt, Germany. Brother David and Fritjof Capra; German.
Location: Salzburg, Austria. German.
Location: Schloß Goldegg, Austria. German.
Location: Lindesfarne, Long Island?
Location: St. Mark’s Church, City?
Location: St. Mark’s Church, City?
Location: Pacific Grove, California. Association for Transpersonal Psychology, “Value in Action”.
Location: Pacific Grove, California. Association for Transpersonal Psychology, “Value in Action”.
Location: Vienna (?), Austria. ORF; German.
Location: San Francisco, California. New Dimensions Foundation #2309.
Location: San Francisco Zen Center. J. Kornfield; maybe Brother David at the end.
Location: San Francisco Zen Center. Brother David, but starts with answering questions.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. Talks about Maori and New Zealand.
Location: Königsfeld/Schwarzwald, Germany. Taped taken from video film – German.
Location: Pacific Grove, California. Presented by”The Cherry Center” with Dr. Bruce Weaver, Rev. Tenshin Anderson, Fr. Charlie Moore, Dr. Kai Woehler, Br. David Steindl-Rast.
Location: Pacific Grove, California. Presented by”The Cherry Center” with Dr. Bruce Weaver, Rev. Tenshin Anderson, Fr. Charlie Moore, Dr. Kai Woehler, Br. David Steindl-Rast.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. GGF-WWC; mainly poetry.
Location: Tassajara (California). TQ1 but only after much commotion at beginning.
Location: unknown place. In the original documentation, it said that there was no tape 377.
Location: Salzburg, Austria.
Location: Walsrode, Germany.
Location: Walsrode, Germany.
Location: Walsrode, Germany.
Location: Goldegg, Austria.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Berkeley. Brother David and Jack Kornfield – long music side 1.
Location: Berkeley. Brother David and Jack Kornfield.
Location: Bellevue, WA (recording service).
Location: Bellevue, WA (recording service).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Terence McKenna and Brother David.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Terence McKenna and Brother David.
Location: Tassajara (California).
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: Königsfeld, Germany.
Location: Tassajara (California).
Location: San Francisco, CA ?
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Grof Workshop, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Boulder, Colorado. Sounds True, (800)333-9185.
Location: Mallory, 60″ tape.
Location: Mallory, 60″ tape.
Location: Mallory, 60″ tape.
Location: Credence Cassettes. A-3277, (800)333-7373.
Location: Credence Cassettes. A-3277, (800)333-7373.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. McKenna/Steindl-Rast, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. McKenna/Steindl-Rast, Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Sheldrake/Steindl-Rast (unedited), Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Sheldrake/Steindl-Rast (unedited), Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Sheldrake/Steindl-Rast (unedited), Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Sheldrake/Steindl-Rast (unedited), Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: San Fransisco, California. Fritjof Capra and David Steindl-Rast, New Dimensions Foundation, 0625, P.O. Box 4105, San Francisco, CA 94141-0510. New Dimensions Radio, P.O. Box.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Friends of Esalen, Dolphin Tapes P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Boulder, Colorado. “The Mythic Quest”; Tribute to Joseph Campbell; Skokie, Illinois, Sounds True Recordings, Boulder. CO.
Location: Boulder, Colorado. “The Mythic Quest”; Tribute to Joseph Campbell; Skokie, Illinois, Sounds True Recordings, Boulder. CO.
Location: Berkeley, California. New Medicine Tapes, NMT-54. (800)647-1110 1308 Gilman Street, Berkeley, CA 94706; 800/647-1110.
Location: Berkeley, California. New Medicine Tapes, NMT-54. (800)647-1110 1308 Gilman Street, Berkeley, CA 94706; 800/647-1110.
Location: San Francisco, California. New Dimensions Foundation, P.O. Box 410510 San Francisco, CA 94141-0510, Tape 0616.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: Tassajara.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Berkeley, California. Brother David and Jack Kornfield, Conference Recording Service 1308 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94706 ZHC97-1.
Location: Berkeley, California. Brother David and Jack Kornfield, Conference Recording Service 1308 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA 94706 ZHC97-1.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California.
Location: New Zealand. Radio Interview, Connexions, New Zealand.
Location: Berkeley, California. Association for Transpersonal Psychology; ATP92-46 by Conference Recording Service, 1308 Gilman Ave., Berkeley, CA 94706: 510/527-3600.
Location: Berkeley, California. International Transpersonal Association, Conference Recording Service, 1308 Gilman Ave., Berkeley, CA 94706.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Berkeley, California. Association for Humanistic Theology, DSR and Fritjof Capra, Conference Recording Service, 1308 Gilman Ave., Berkeley, CA 94706 510/527-3600.
Location: Green Gulch Farms, California. Green Gulch Benefit for the Zendo Project, Tape by Lou Judson 415/388-3702.
Location: Big Sur, California. Parliament in Chicago, Illinois; Tape by Br. David made in CA by Dolphin Tapes, P.O. Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Mill Valley, California. Dialogue between DSR and Michael Harner at Esalen, by Shamanic Studies, P.O. Box 1939, Mill Valley, CA 94942.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place, but probably Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. North Point House at Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. North Point House at Esalen.
Location: Dallas, Texas. (Don’t know if Br. David is included on tape).
Location: Woodacre, California. Spirit Rock Meditation Center, P.O. Box 909, Woodacre, CA 94973.
Location: Woodacre, California. Spirit Rock Meditation Center, P.O. Box 909, Woodacre, CA 94973.
Location: Woodacre, California. Spirit Rock Meditation Center, P.O. Box 909, Woodacre, CA 94973.
Location: unknown place. Windstar, Choices in Action, Sounds True Recordings.
Location: Chinook – Clinton, Washington.
Location: Chinook – Clinton, Washington.
Location: Chinook – Clinton, Washington.
Location: Chinook – Clinton, Washington.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Fritjof Capra/Br. David, Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Fritjof Capra/Br. David, Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Fritjof Capra/Br. David, Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Fritjof Capra/Br. David, Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Fritjof Capra/Br. David, Esalen.
Location: Esalen, Big Sur, California. Fritjof Capra/Br. David, Esalen.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: San Jose University. Interview, Prof. Ken Kramer at San Jose University, with Br. David This tape was copied from the Video tape of the interview. 35′ long.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place.
Location: Salzburg. * Only church bells on this tape.
Location: unknown place.
Location: unknown place. #9003-500.
Location: Thanksgiving Square, Dallas, TX.
Location: Canfield, Ohio. Published by Alba House Cassettes (Society of St. Paul) – TAH234. Time 44′ (A) and 31′ (B).
Location: Cambridge, MA. Tape sent from Leslie Kress.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
Location: Big Sur, California. Dolphin Tapes, PO Box 71, Big Sur, CA 93920.
: “10th Anniversary of the Dwelling Place: 1977-1987”
Blessing of Location and Place
: “Adjust Your Attitude Towards Gratitude, Online”
Appeared inSpirituality and Health Magazine.
: “Alaska Wellness… Quality of Life”
March/April 2004 Vol.9 No.2
Includes various loose magazine pages
: “The Anchor Bible Dictionary” Selected Sections
Appeared inMany Smokes Magazine.
Appeared inThe New York Times National.
Appeared inBrothers-A Publication of the National Assembly of Religious BrothersVol. 9 No. 5
: “Armature Interieure-Liberte-Egalite-Fraternite”
Language: French
Appeared in blogMarylee’s MusingsIncludes: Correspondence
Appeared inAwaken JournalIncludes letter from publisher
Appeared inThe Evangelist.
Appeared inThe American Benedictine Review.
Language: German
Appeared inJournal of Geophysical Research.
Including: “The Cosmology of Peace;” “Bio Regions: The Context for Reinhabitating the Earth;” “The Catholic Church and the Religions of the World;” “Economics as a Religious Issue”
Includes correspondence to Father Conner
Language: German
Language: German
Language: German
: BOOTS- A NOTs Newsletter
Including: “What is Scientology: A Report by the Freedom Counseling Center” and other pamphlets
Appeared inDiscover: Science, Technology, and the Future.
Appeared inDiscover: Science, Technology, and the Future.
Appeared inMirabella Highlights.
: “Breakthrough: Global Education Associates Newsletter”
Vol. 5 No. 3 Spring 1984
Appeared inThe Anchor BibleVol. 2
Appeared inCatholic Update.
Appeared inHouse and Garden.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Appeared inTime Magazine.
Language: German
Dissertation submitted at University of California Los Angeles
Evolutionary Tactics
Appeared inHonolulu Magazine.
Appeared inThe New York Review.
Appeared inThe Washington Cathedral.
Sage Chapel Convocation Speech Transcription
Appeared inHarvest: Journal for Jungian StudiesVol.31.; Translated by Molly Tuby
Appeared inAn Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought.
FromPhilosophie Iranienne et Philosophie Comparee.
Prefactory letter to the New Polytheismby David L. Miller
Chapter Fragment “The Fulnes of the Mystery of Christ”
Appeared inThe Press, Christchurch.
: “Creation Magazine: Earth Issue”
Vol.1 No.5 Nov/Dec
Found inKindness, Charity and ThoughtTranslated by Jeffrey Hopkins
Appeared inTheological Studies.
Includes correspondence
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
: “Ein Engagement im Dialog der Weltreligionen”
Language: German
Appeared inTegernseer Zeitung.
Language: German
: “Evolutionary Blues” Journal
Vol. 2; Includes correspondence from John Steiner (publisher)
: “Fanny and Alexander” Production Notes and Reviews
Featuring Reviews from Robert Ebert, Kenneth Turan, Stig Bjorkman, Pauline Kael and “Images: My Life in Film” by Igmar Bergman
Found inThe Biblical ReviewVol V
Appeared inCatholic Update.
Appeared inNewsweekDecember 1980
Appeared inNational Catholic Reporter.
Appeared inParabolaWinter 1999
Appeared inArkansas Democrat Gazette.
: “Friends of Esalen Newsletter”
Vo. 15 No. 2 Summer 2003
Language: German
Appeared inStar-Gazette Elmire, N.Y..
Appeared inThe Monterey County Herald.
Language: German
Appeared inNewsday.
Appeared inShift: At the Frontiers of ConsciousnessDecember-February
: Guardian Newspaper Selected Articles year 1987
Topics including: Dalai Lama, Puerto Rico, W.E.B. Du Bois, AIDS, Gulf War, Gorbachev
Language: German
Appeared inThe New Yorker.
Includes correspondence
Appeared inNorth Atlantic Books.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Appeared inUtne Reader.
Appeared inPraying No. 69.
Appeared inCreation Spirituality.
Language: German
Appeared onCredit Suisse.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
: “Interview: Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.D.”
Appeared inUPDATE MagazineVol. 9 No. 1
Language: German
Including various German poems
: “The Jesse Tree Story”
Featuring: The Tree of Life, The Root of Jesse, The Dove, The Seed of Abraham, Jacob’s Dream, The Rainbow
Appeared inThe Biblical Archaeological Review.
Appeared inTime Magazine.
Appeared inThe American Scholar.
Appeared inJournal of Theological Studies.
Appeared inSan Francisco Chronicle.
Appeared inLansing State Journal.
: “The Little Missionaries of Divine Mercy: Lay Evangelists in Contemplative Communities”
Cited in“A Meditation on the Vision Behind the Proposal”.
: Lindisfarne Letter
From the Lindisfarne Chapel
Appeared inNew York Times.
Appeared inIrish Theological Quarterly.
Appeared inSudden Fiction; American Short Stories.
Language: German
Appeared inSontaggsblatt.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Vol. III NO. 1 October 1973
Includes correspondence from Dave Berceli
Appeared inYoga Journal.
Nov. 1 2001
Language: German
Appeared inNatur und Kosmos.
Appeared inThe Cloister Walk.
Appeared inNational Review.
Includes correspondence
Appeared inCommonweal Magazine.
Appeared inCommonweal Magazine.
Language: German
Appeared inCommon Boundary.
Including various geographical and historical maps
Appeared inKosmos Magazine.
Language: German
: Praying Magazine
No. 1; Includes correspondence
Language: German
Appeared inThe Coming Revolution.
Appeared inIntegral Yoga: Truth, Knowledge and Bliss.
Includes correspondence
Appeared inTheological ConversationsVol. 13
Appeared inParabola MagazineVol. 29.2
Appeared inRealities for the 90s.
Appeared inPTS Alumni/ae News.
Appeared inScientific American Offprints.
Language: German
: “Sacred Journey”
The Journal of Fellowship in Prayer
Appeared inCalifornia Clinic.
Appeared inThe New Work Times Magazine.
: “Schnalzlaute im Paradis”
Language: German
Appeared inSpiegel Magazine.
Language: German
Including correspondence
: “Shift: At The Frontiers of Consciousness” Magazine
Institute of Noetic Sciences, No.1
: “Shift: At the Fronteirs of Consciousness” Magazine
Institute of Noetic Sciences No. 5
: “The Shroud of Turin” Selected Chapters
Appeared inDallas Morning News.
Appeared inAlaska WellnessIncludes correspondence and a flyer
PSR Chapel Service
: “Songs of the Weld Harp” Chapter drafts and outlines
: “Spectrum Review” Journal
Book reviews, Interviews and Views No.4
Appeared inIntegral Yoga Magazine.
Includes correspondence
Appeared inArtifex.
Includes correspondence
Language: German
Includes draft of correspondence
Appeared inDaly TimeSt. Cloud Minnesota
Appeared inIntegral Yoga Magazine.
Appeared inRevisionVol. 12 No. 3
Includes correspondence
Appeared inScienific American Offprints.
Language: German
Published byHerder Verlag.
Language: Japanese
Language: German
Language: German
Including: Sr. Basilia, Sr. Maria, Sr. Maria Rosa, Sr. Hildegard, Sr. Agatha, Sr. Maura, Sr. Maria Antonia
Reference to “Word Out of Silence” Symposium
Language: German
Includes catalog of social and behavioral science monograph section
Appeared inTime Magazine.
A paper to appear in the Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on the Study of Shamanism
Submitted toDaedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Appeared inThe New YorkersTalk of the Town
: “Weltreligionen, Weltfrieden, Weltethos” Magazine
Language: German
: “Wind Bell” Magazine
Publication of San Francisco Zen Center Vol. 40 No. 1
Recollections tape-recorded and edited by Anne and George Winter
Inlcudes correspondence from AV
Appeared inNewsweek.
Appeared inThe Christian CENTURY.
Appeared inParabola.
Language: German
Vo. 87 No.4
Appeared inThe Progressive.
Administrative information
The collection is open for research.
Acquired from Brother David Steindl-Rast in 2016 with the support and assistance of: Max Rast, Kristi Nelson, Katie Rubinstein, and Margaret Wakeley.
Digitized content
Selected materials from the Steindl-Rast Papers have been digitized and may be viewed online in Credo, SCUA’S digital repository.
Processing Information
Processed by Stephanie Levine and Toni Murray, spring 2016; Susan Creighton, spring 2018.
English, German
Copyright and Use (More information )
Cite as: Brother David Steindl-Rast Papers (MS 892). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.
Search terms
- Benedictines–United States
- Buddhism–Relations
- Christianity–Relations
- Mount Savior Monastery
- Network for Grateful Living
- Peace movements–United States
- Peace–Religious aspects
- Spiritual life–Buddhism
- Spiritual life–Catholic church
- Steindl-Rast, David [main entry]
- Bstan-‘dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-
- Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968
- Palmers, Vanja
- Steindl-Rast, David