William F. Field relaxing on couch, ca. 1971
The University’s first Dean of Students, William F. Field held the post from 1961 until his retirement in 1988. The 27 years Field was Dean of Students was a critical time of growth and unrest, as the University’s student population more than tripled in size and the nation-wide movements for civil rights and against the Vietnam War were reflected through student activism and protest on the University’s campus. Responsible for ending student curfews and overseeing all dorms becoming co-ed, Field also worked with minority students and faculty to support the Black Arts Movement on campus and the founding of the W.E.B Du Bois Afro-American Studies Department.
The William F. Field Papers document Field’s career as an administrator at the University of Massachusetts and specifically his role as Dean of Students from 1961-1988. The correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, and other official printed and manuscript documents are a rich resource for one of the most important and volatile eras in the University’s history. Of particular interest are extensive files on student protests and activism in the late 1960s and early 1970s and the growing diversity of the campus student population, flourishing of the Black Arts Movement on campus and the founding of the W.E.B. Du Bois Afro-American Studies Department.
Background on William F. Field
William F. Field was the first Dean of Students at the University of Massachusetts and not only held the post for 27 years, but held it during some of the institution’s most radical growth and maturing, a period known for both student and faculty unrest and activism. Field, a World War II veteran who served as a sergeant in the Pacific, earned a BA from West Chester (PA) State College in 1947, an M.Ed. from Temple the same year, and a Ph.D. in Psychology and Education from the University of Maryland in 1951. Soon after receiving his doctorate, Field began at UMass as a guidance counselor and assistant professor of psychology, becoming the first Dean of Students ten years later in 1961.
As Dean, Field saw the student population grow from 7,000 when he began to over 25,000 when he retired in 1988. To meet the flood of students, Field founded the Financial Aid, and Admissions offices, the Student Activities Program, and was instrumental in the development of the University Health Services. He also oversaw the expansion of housing to meet the needs of this growing population, introduced co-ed dorms (1966), and eliminated curfews for all students except freshmen women. Field also saw the student population diversify with the development of the Committee for the Collegiate Education of Black and Other Minority Students (CCEBMS) in 1967 and the first CCEBMS class of 125 students in 1968.
Perhaps Field’s most powerful legacy as Dean of Students was his handling of campus unrest, specifically during the takeover of Mills House in 1970 and the anti-Vietnam War protests spring of that same year. Since the inauguration of the first CCEBMS class in 1968, black students and faculty on campus had been working with University administration to create a more supportive academic, artistic, safe, and sensitive environment on campus for minority students. When racial violence broke out on campus in February 1970 and the subsequent black student occupation of Mills House, Dean Field worked with faculty and students to not only resolve the unrest peacefully, but helped the crisis become a catalyst to fulfill the earlier demands of minority students and faculty.
That spring, following President Nixon’s order to send troops to Cambodia, as well as the trial of the “New Haven 8” and the shooting of four students at Kent State College, student strikes spread across the country. UMass students went on strike on May 5th and occupied the Student Union Building and Memorial Hall. The Strike Steering Committee resolved to have a violence-free strike and arranged workshops on non-violent demonstrations some of which were attended by some fifty state legislators. The administration approved of the takeovers and strongly encouraged peaceful demonstrations. Unlike other campuses where students resolved to violence and bombings, the students at the University of Massachusetts demanded the appropriation of Dickinson Hall, which served as the home of the ROTC, into a daycare center.
Dean Field and other administrators are credited for their serious and level-headed approach to student unrest during this period, an approach which helped to prevent crises and protests from spiraling out of control. Though there had been incidents, the relative lack of violence and injuries to students were in stark contrast to many other campuses in the country where students resolved to acts of sabotage which saw the destruction of some thirty ROTC buildings causing millions of dollars in damages. Upon his retirement in 1988, Dean Field said he felt he was proud to leave his job knowing that during the Vietnam War protests, no University of Massachusetts students were arrested or injured.
Contents of Collection
The William F. Field Papers document Field’s career as an administrator at the University of Massachusetts and specifically his role as Dean of Students from 1961-1988. The correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, and other official printed and manuscript documents are a rich resource for one of the most important and volatile eras in the University’s history. Of particular interest are extensive files on student protests and activism in the late 1960s and early 1970s and the growing diversity of the campus student population, flourishing of the Black Arts Movement on campus and the founding of the W.E.B. Du Bois Afro-American Studies Department.
Collection inventory
Proposal for Alcohol Action Program
Annual Report: Admissions
Annual Report: Campus Center
Annual Report: Coordination
Annual Report: Community Development and Human Relations
Annual Report: Counseling Center
Annual Report: Dean of Men
Annual Report: Dean of Women
Annual Report: Placement and Financial Aid Services
Annual Report: University Health Services
Art Exhibit (Charles Close)
Board of Trustees: Committee on Student Activities
Board of Trustees: Miscellaneous
Board of Trustees: Committee on Student Activities
Board of Trustees: Committee on Student Activities
Board of Trustees: Committee on Student Activities
Afro-American/Black Students: Afro- American News Clippings
Afro-American/Black Students: Black Students
Afro-American/Black Students: Black Student Affairs
Afro-American/Black Students: C.C.E.B.S.
Afro-American/Black Students: C.C.E.B.S.
Afro-American/Black Students: C.C.E.N.S.
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Baker Dormitory
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Baker Dormitory
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Baker House Gov’t Association (Charter)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Brett House Gov’t Association (Consitution)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Brett House By-laws and Constituions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Brooks House Government Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Butterfield House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Cance House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Cashin Dormitory House Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Chadbourne House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Chadbourne House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Residence Halls Charters
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Residence Halls Constitutions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Coolidge Tower- Lower House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls):Coolidge Tower-Lower House By-laws and Constitutions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Coolidge Tower- Middle House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Coolidge Tower- Upper House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Coolidge Tower- Upper House By-laws and Constitutions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Crabtree House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Crampton House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Crampton House By-laws and Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Dickinson House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Dickinson House By-laws and Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Dwight House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Dwight House By- laws and Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Emerson Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Field House Gov’t Association Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Gorman House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Grayson House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Grayson House By-laws and Constitutions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Hamlin House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Hamlin House By-laws and Constitutions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Hills, North House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Hills, South House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): James House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Adams Lower
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Adams Tower Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Adams Tower Middle House Gov’t. Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Adams Middle
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Adams Upper House Gov’t Association Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Adams Upper House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Q. Adams Tower Lower House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): John Q. Adams Tower Middle House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residenc
e Halls): John Q. Adams Tower Upper House Gov’t Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Johnson House Gov’t Association Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Kennedy Tower Lower House Consititution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Kennedy Tower Middle House Consitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Kennedy Tower Upper House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Knowlton House Gov’t Association Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Leach House Gov’t Association Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Lewis House Gov’t Association Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): MacKimmie House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): MacKimmie House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Mary Lyon House Gov’t Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Melville House Gov’t Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Mills House Gov’t Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Moore House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Orchard Hill Residential College
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Patterson house Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Pierpont and Moore House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Project #10 Constitution (Freshman in Moore and Pierpont)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Thatcher House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Thoreau House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Washington Tower Lower House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Washington House Middle House Charter
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Washing Upper House Gov’t Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Webster House Gov’t Association Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (Residence Halls): Wheeler House Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Accounting Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Accounting Club of the Stockbridge School
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Action Lab
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Adelphia
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Afro- American Organization
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): African Students Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Agricultural Economics Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): AHORA
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): AKIKAI
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Air Force ROTC
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Alive with Dance
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Alpha Phi Gamma
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Alpha Zeta
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Alternative Learning Program Interns
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Amateur Radio Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Chemical Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Conservative Students Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Institute of Chemical Engineers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Institute of Industrial Engineers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Institute of Radio Engineers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Society of Civil Engineers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Society of Landscape Architects
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): American Sociwety of Mechanical Engineers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Amherst Dharmadhatu
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Ananda Marga
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Angel Flight
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Animal Husbandry
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Anthropology Caucus
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): April 10-11 Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Aquatic Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Arab Organization
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Arboriculture Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Archery Club (Temporary Order)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): ARICA Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Armenian Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Arnold Air Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Art Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Art History Group
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Asian- American Student Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Associate Alumni
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Association for Computing Machinery
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Astronomy Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Avatar Meher Baba League
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Bacteriology and Public Health Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Barbell Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Baroque Enterprises
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Belchertown Volunteers (Boltwood)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Beta Alpha Psi
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Betta Kappa Phi
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Bicentennial Fair
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Bicycle Club (Cooperative)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Biochemistry Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Black Scientific Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Black Students Psychological Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Bowling Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Boxing Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Broadcasting Assocation- WMUA
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Business Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Butterfield Arts Group
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Caesura
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Campus Chest Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Campus Girl Scouts
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Campus Girl Scouts
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Campus Gold
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Campus Religious Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Canterbury Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Cape Cod Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): C.C.E.B.S. Academic Matters Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Center for Women of Color
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Center for Working Change
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Central Area Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Chess Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): S.T. Children’s Theater
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Chinese Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Chinese Student Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Christian Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Christian Science Organization
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The UMASS Christians
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Circle K International
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Citizens for Seasonal Workers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Chorale
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Classics Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Classics Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Clean Air Project
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Club Managers Association of America
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Coalition for Alternative Agriculture and Self- Sufficiency
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Coalition for Environmental Quality
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Coin Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The College Church
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Collegian
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Collegian- Publishing Board
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Collegiate Flying Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): College Democrats of UMASS
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Colonel’s Cadre
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Committee for the Liberation of South Africa
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Committee on Poverty
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Committee to Stop Amherst Towing
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Committee to Support the Peoples Struggle in Iran
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Communication Disorders Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Community Action Foundation
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Community Home for Children Volunteers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Community Service Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Commuters Assembly (Commuter Collective)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Concern
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Coop Collective
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Craft Guild
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Craftmen’s Guild
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Critique
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Dames
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Dance Free
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Dance Studio #1 Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Delat Upsilon Fraternity
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Design Students Group
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Distinguished Visitors Program
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Divine Light Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Draft Counseling Services
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): DRUM
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Eastern Mountain Concerts
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): ECKANKAR International Student Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Edna Skinner Home Economics Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Education Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Educational Opportunity for Ex- Offenders
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Edwards Fellowship
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Energy Conservation Program
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Engineering Scholarship Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Engineers Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): English Dept. Undergraduate Studies Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Environmental Design Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Equestrian Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Eta Kappa Nu
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Eta Sigma Delate
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Exchange Students Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fashion Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fashion Marketing Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Federal Credit Unioon Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fencing Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fernald Entomological Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Field Hockey Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Field House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Finance Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fine Arts Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Five College Solar Energy Collective
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Five College Student Coordinating Board
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Floricultural Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Flying High Productions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Flying Redmen Drill Team
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Food Distribution Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Forensic Services Organization (Forensic Society)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Forestry Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): 4-H Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Frank Hatch for Governor Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fraternal Dump Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Le Cercle Francais (The French Circle)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): French Corridors
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): La Maison Francaise (French House)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Freshman Directory
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Friends of the Spartan Youth League
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Frisbee Team
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Fruit and Vegetable Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Future Engineers of UMASS
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Future Farmers of America
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Gamma Eta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Gamma Sigma Sigma
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Geographical Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Geology Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): German Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Greek Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Gymastics Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Handicapped Students Collective
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Hang Gliding Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Harambe
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Hellenic- American Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Heymakers Square Dance Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Publishing Board of the Orchard Hill Hobbit
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Hockey Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Homecoming Weekend Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Horror Film Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Horticulture Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Horticulture Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Human Services Coalition
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Index
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): India Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Inkeepers Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Institute Food Technologists
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Integral Yoga Institute
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Interfraternity Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): International Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): International Folk Dance Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The International Socialist Program Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Intervarsity Christian Fellowship
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Irish Cultural Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Irish Heritage Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Islamic Society at UMASS
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Italian Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): John Quincy Adams Cultural Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Judo Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Junior Chapter Management Association of UMASS
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Juvenile Opportunities Extension
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Krishna Consciousness Bhaktiyoga Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Krishna Yoga Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Kung-Fu Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Learning Resources Center
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Lesbian Union
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Literary Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Lutheran Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Management Club
By- laws, Cha
rters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Marketing Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Maroon Key Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Martial Arts Karate Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Marxist Organization Group
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Massachusetts Political Economy Collective
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Massachusetts Squash Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Massachusetts State Student Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Medical Emergency Loan Fund
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Medical Technology Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Men’s Volleyball Team
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Mind’s Eye Cinema
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): MOBE
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Music Theater Guild
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Musigals
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Naiads
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): National Council of Teachers of English (Junior Affiliate)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): National Student Exchange
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Native American Students Program
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): NECKC Karate Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Newman Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Non- Resident Student Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Non- Traditional Student Group (Assembly)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Non- Unionsit Students
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): NORML
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Northeast Area Government
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Volunteers for the Northampton State Hospital
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Northeast Community Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Northeast Passage
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Northern Educational Services
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Northern Educational Service Tutoring Program
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Nova Colony
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Nursing Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Organization for Social Enrichment of Brown House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Organization of Israeli Students
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Organization Services Consulting
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Organization to Promote Racial Understanding of Thoreau House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Oriental Sports Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Orthodox Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Outdoor Special Events Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Outfront Collective
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Outing Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Panhellenic Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pastime Productions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Patria Libre
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Patterson House
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): People’s Gay Alliance
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): People’s Newsstand Coop
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Phi Eta Sigma
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Phi Kappa Alpha
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Philopeuthian Scholars Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Philosophy Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pioneer Valley Folklore Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pioneer Valley Jugglers Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pioneer Valley L- 5 Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Plant and Soil Science Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Political Science Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Precisionettes
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pre- Dental Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pre- Law Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pre- Med Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Pre- Vet Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Prince Dormitory
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): P U Comix Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Society of Public Relations
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Rap Line
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Recreation Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Regional Club for the Freedom of Israel
By- laws, Charters,
Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Rehabilitation/ Education Volunteers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Resources Judaica
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Revelers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Roister Doisters
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Roman Cultural Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Revolutionary Student Brigade
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Rowing Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Rugby Football Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Russian Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Saigon Club (Vietnamese Student Association)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Science- Fiction Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): SCUBA Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Semper Fidelis Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Senior Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Shorin Karate Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Shorthorn
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Siddha Lunch
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Sigma Sigma Alpha
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Silverscreen Film Productions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Ski Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Ski Cooperative
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): SMILE
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Socialist Discussion Group
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Socialist- Feminist Union
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Society for Collegiate Journalists
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Society for Creative Anachronism
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Society of the Scabbard and Blade
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Sociology Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Source: An Alternative Living Community
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): South Asian Cultural Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Southwest Patriots
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Southwest Residential College
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Southwest Social Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Spanish Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Special Children’s Playlab Players
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Spectrum
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Sports Car Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Sport Management Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Sport Parachute Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Stockbridge Rifle Team
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Stockbridge Student Government
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Strategy Game Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): STOSAG Yearbook Staff
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Automotive Workshop
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Center for Educational Research
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Consumer Affairs Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Film Productions
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Government and General Laws
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Government Association- Constitution and General Laws
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Homophile League
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Nurses Organization
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Organization for the Destruction of Cancer
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Religious Liberals
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Video Project
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student Advocating Financial Assistance
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): “Students Against the Draft” Consitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Students Against the Present System
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Students for a Democratic Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Student for Civil Rights
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Students for DuKakis
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Students for Ecumenical Action
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Students for Sacco
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Students International Meditation Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): SWAP
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): S.W.E.
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Sylvan Area Government
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Table Tennis Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): T’ai Chi Chuan Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Tau Beta Pi
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Tennis Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Third Short Social Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Third World Engineers and Scientists
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Turf Management Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Uechi Ryu Karate Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Ultimate Women’s Frisbeen
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Undergraduate Communication Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Undergraduate Students of Psychology
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Union of Iranian Students in Amherstq
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Union Record Unlimited
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): United Martial Arts Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): U.S. China Peoples Friendship Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS American Karate Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Badminton Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Bus Driver’s Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Carter Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University Council for The Betterment of Human Relations
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University of Massachusetts Crew Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University Dog Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASSS Drum and Dance Collective
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): U of M Historical, Fantasy, Science Fictions and Strategy Games Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Hunger Task Force
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Jimmy Fund
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Jugglers Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Junior Branch of the International Food Service Executive Assoc. Inc.
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Orienteers
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The University of Massachusetts Panhellenic Conference
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University Photo Co-op
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University Reform Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Soccer Cheerleaders
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.
‘s): UMASS Society of Public Relations
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University of Mass Sporting Goods Co-op
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Universities Stewards Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Univerisity of Massachusetts Student Dietetic Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Students and Faculty Awareness
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): University of Massachusetst Student Federal Credit Union
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s):UMASS Varsity Men’s Football and Basketball Cheerleaders
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): UMASS Volleyball Association
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): U of M Women’s Soccer Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Valley Folklore Society
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Veterans Service Organization
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Volunteer Fire Department
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): WEBD
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Weightlifting Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Western Massachusetts Assasination Information Bureau (UMASS Branch)
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): The Western Massachusetts Chile Solidarity Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): WMUA- The Student Radio Station
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): WSCR Southwest Commuity Radio
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): WTOY
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Women’s Media Networkv
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Women’s Studies Council
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): World Hunger and Food Usage Discussion and Action Group
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Yahoo
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Yahoo Constitution
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Yale Strike Support Committee
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Young Independents
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Young Republican Club
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Young Workers Liberation League
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Zeta Psi Fraternity
By- laws, Charters, Constitutions (R.S.O.’s): Zoology Club
Campus Center- Dormitory: Campus Center- Director’s Job Description
Campus Center- Dormitory: “Carkhuff Institute”
Campus Center- Dormitory: Center for Non- Traditiopnal Education at UMASS/ Amherst
Campus Center- Dormitory: Central Area- Proposals and Miscellaneous Correspondence
Campus Center- Dormitory: Chancellor
Campus Center- Dormitory: Class of 1967 (Class Gift- Edowment Fund)
Campus Center- Dormitory: Communications Board (Student)
Campus Center- Dormitory: Commuter Assembly
Campus Center- Dormitory: Concerts
Campus Center- Dormitory: “Consider: These are the Days”
Campus Center- Dormitory: Continuing Education
Campus Center- Dormitory: Counselors
Campus Center- Dormitory: Cumbres (Cross-ref “Sensitivity Training”)
Campus Center- Dormitory: Disadvantaged Students In Massachusetts
Campus Center- Dormitory: Discipline Board
Campus Center- Dormitory: Distinguished Visitors Program
Campus Center- Dormitory: Dormitory Counselors Representation Committee
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: “Easy Rider” (Computerized Ride Information Referral Service)
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Faculty Senate: Committee on Student Affairs- Minutes
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Faculty Senate: Committee on Student Affairs- Women’s Curfew
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Fee Waiver
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Financial Policy Act- Student Senate
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Fine Arts Council
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Fine Arts Council
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Fire Protection- Correspondence with Chief Doherty
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Fraternaties and Sororities
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Fraternaties and Sororities- Board of Trustees Vote
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Free University City
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Gay Liberation
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Graduate Council
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Graduate Programs, Guidelines for (COSPA AND AGPA)
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Greek Area Direction
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Greenough House Government Association
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Homophile League
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Housing, Campus Center Problems
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Housing Info 1
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Institute for Student Development in Higher Education
Easy Rider- Inter-Union: Inter- Union Program to Extend Opportunities to Employed Adults- Proposal
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Judicial/ Systems
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Judicial/ Systems- Historical (Hopkins Era)
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Kennedy Memorial, Committee on
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: King, Jr. Martin Luther
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: King, Jr. Martin Luther Social Action Countil
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Lederle- Student Opinion and Issue
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Lordly and Dame, Inc.
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: L.S.O.
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: L.S.O.
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: L.S.O.
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: L.S.O.
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: L.S.O. By- laws and History
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: L.S.O. – “Civil Rights and Civil Liability of Police and Municipal Officials”
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Maroon Keys
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Married Students Resource Center- Proposal
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: M.A.R.Y.
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: M.A.R.Y. Program
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Massachusetts Open University
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Military and Air Science
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Naspa Staff Directory
Joint Ad Hoc Study Committee- Newspaper Clippings: Newsclippings
Olin College- Retire Professional: Olin College Placement Conference
Olin College- Retire Professional: Operation Council
Olin College- Retire Professional: “Orientation to UMASS: A Brief” by Mary Keane
Olin College- Retire Professional: Parking Garage
Olin College- Retire Professional: P.I.R.G.
Olin College- Retire Professional: President Ledler
Olin College- Retire Professional: Residential Life
Olin College- Retire Professional: “Retired Professional Colunteer Program” by Suzanne E. Rhode
Olin College- Retire Professional: Report- Academic Affairs Committee “Education for Living: A Program for the ’70’s”
Olin College- Retire Professional: Report- “Changing Role Concepts of College Students”
Olin College- Retire Professional: Report- Student Senate “Open House Policy”
Olin College- Retire Professional: Report- “The Attitude and Opinion of 3595 University Students”
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House- Co- Ed Housing
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House Policy
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House Policy
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House Policy- Faculty Senate Minutes and Minutes
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House Policy- Memoranda
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House Policy Newclippings
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Open House Policy- Student Arguments
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Resident Hall- Visitation Policy
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Visitations Policies, Residence Hall (Approved by Student Life Committee and Dean of Students)
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Visitations Policies, Residence Hall (Approved by Student Life Committee and Dean of Students)
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Visitation Policies, Summer
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Visitation Policy
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Visitation Policy (Letter from Parents)
Open House/ Visitation Policies: Visitation Policy, Open House- Evaluation
Protests and Demonstrations: April 10-11
Protests and Demonstrations: Background Info
Protests and Demonstrations: Code of Student Conduct
Protests and Demonstrations: Discipline
Protests and Demonstrations: Dow Chemical Company
Protests and Demonstrations: Dow Chemical Company
Protests and Demonstrations: Dow Chemical Company
Protests and Demonstrations: Dow Chemical Company
Protests and Demonstrations: General Dynamics
Protests and Demonstrations: G.E. Recruiting
Protests and Demonstrations: General Electric
Protests and Demonstrations: Honeywell Recruiting
Protests and Demonstrations: Humphrey, H.H.
Protests and Demonstrations: Left Wing and Campus Unrest
Protests and Demonstrations: Mass Student Disturbances, Procedures to be Followed
Protests and Demonstrations: Military R.O.T.C.
Protests and Demonstrations: Mills House
Protests and Demonstrations: Miscellaneous
Protests and Demonstrations: Moratorium
Protests and Demonstrations: Protest
Protests and Demonstrations: Recruiting
Protests and Demonstrations: Recruiting
Protests and Demonstrations: Recruitment, ROTC and Research (Including Placement)
Protests and Demonstrations: Report CC/SU Board of Governors “Concerning the Prohibition of Military Branch from Recruiting”
Protests and Demonstrations: Seabrook
Protests and Demonstrations: Social Change, Center for (Previous info filed under strike 1972)
Protests and Demonstrations: Strike
Protests and Demonstrations: Strike- Miscellaneous
Protests and Demonstrations: Strike Report
Protests and Demonstrations: Strike
Protests and Demonstrations: Strike, April 1972
Protests and Demonstrations: Student Unrest Meeting (Alice Sargent)
Publications, Student: Collegian
Publications, Student: Collegian-Appraisal
Publications, Student: Mother of Voices
Publications, Student: Nummo News
Publications, Student: Spectrum
Publications, Student: “The Hobbit”- Orchard Hill
Publications, Student: Yahoo
Publications, Student: Yahoo
Publications, Student: Yahoo-Clippings
Publications, Student: Yahoo-Clippings
Publications, Student: Yahoo-Clippings
Publications, Student: Yahoo-Correspoondence, Off-Campus
Publications, Student: Yahoo-History
Publications, Student: Yahoo-Constitutions
Publications, Student: Yahoo-Investigation Committee Report
Residence Halls: Residence Halls
Residence Halls: Brooks House
Residence Halls: Cance House
Residence Halls: Co-ed Dorms, History of
Residence Halls: Enrollment Figures
Residence Halls: John F. Kennedy-Middle
Residence Halls: John Quincy Adams
Residence Halls: Mills House
Residence Hall: Miscellaneous
Residence Halls: Pierpont House (Project 10)
Residence Halls: Security-Proposals
Residence Halls: Sylvan (Project 12)
Residence Halls: Triples-Residence Hall Rooms
Residential Colleges: Orhcard Hill
Residential Colleges: Orhcard Hill-Multi-Functional Dining Hall
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Experiment, Evaluation of and Faculty Research Grant Proposal
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill-Residential College
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College
Residential Colleges: By-laws and Constitutions-Orchard Hill Residential College Area Government
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College-Construction
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College-Historical Reviews
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College-Miscellaneous
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College-News Clips
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College- Project #2/Miscellaneous
Residential Colleges: Student Affairs-Orchard Hill Area
Residential Colleges: Student Affairs-Orchard Hill Area
Residential Colleges: Student Affairs-Orchard Hill Area
Residential Colleges: Student Affairs-Orchard Hill Area-Course Catalogs
Residential Colleges: Dan Forth Foundation (Grant to Orchard Hill)
Residential Colleges: Dan Forth Foundation Project #2 (Orchard Hill Residential College)
Residential Colleges: Orchard Hill Residential College-Dan Forth Foundation
Residential Colleges: Other Institutions
Residential Colleges: Source Materials
Residential Colleges: Southwest Branch of the University Store
Residential Colleges: Southwest-Circulation Patterns
Residential Colleges: Southwest Quadrangle-Dining Common
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residence-Constitution
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residence Halls-Names
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residence-Publicity
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residential College
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residential College Area-Associate Dean of Students
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residential College-Project #4
Residential Colleges: Southwest Residential College-“Project-10”
“Room to Move”: Background Information
“Room to Move”: Drug Drop in Center
“Room to Move”: Drug Drop in Center-Announcements
“Room to Move”: News Clips
“Room to Move”: Our House
“Room to Move”: Proposals
“Room to Move”: Proposals
R.S.O.: Recognized Student Orgnaizations
R.S.O.: Recognized Student Orgnaizations
R.S.O.: Recognized Student Orgnaizations
R.S.O.: R.S.O. Student Guidelines
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverage Policy
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverage Policy
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverage Policy
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverage Policy
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverage Policy
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverage Policy
Rules and Regulations: Alcoholic Beverages Committee-Final Report
Rules and Regulations: Campus Security Policies
Rules and Regulations: Code of Conduct
Rules and Regulations: Curfew
Rules and Regulations: Curfew, Residence, Social
Rules and Regulations: Curfew, Residence, Social-News Clips
Rules and Regulations: Recruitment Policies
Rules and Regulations: Residence Halls-Correspondencer, Off-Campus
Rules and Regulations: Student Incident Policies
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: S.A.R.E.O.
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: School of Education
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Sex Education
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: S.G.A. Constitution and By-Laws
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Shoplifting Fines Policy
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Southwest Patriots
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Speakers-Honoraria, Policies
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Stockbridge School
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Strikes (See Separate 2 boxes, Protests and Demonstrations)
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Student Activities
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Student Activities
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Student Activities Reciepts
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Student Activities Trust Fund
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Student Activities Trust Fund (S.A.T.F.)
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Student Affairs
S.A.R.E.O.- Student Employees: Status of Workman’s Comp.
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Housing Study- Phase I Report
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Life- Miscellaneous
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Life Committee (Student Personnel Services)
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Life Committee (Student Personnel Services)
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Life Committee
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Life Committee (Student Personnel Services Advisory Comm.)
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Opinions
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Personnel Administrative Council (S.P.A.C.)
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Personnel Bulletin
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Personnel Services
Student Housing- Student Personnel: Student Personnel Services Directory
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate Attourney (Howland, Richard)
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Senate Transportation Service
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Union- “Design Evaluation of a Central Outdoor Spaceâ€_”
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Union- Expansion Project
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Union- Expansion Project
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Union- Expansion Project
Student Senate- Student Union: Student Union- Expansion Project– Background Data
Student Video- Youth Services: Student Video Project
Student Video- Youth Services: Student Vote and Registration
Student Video- Youth Services: Summer Counseling Class of 1976
Student Video- Youth Services: Umass/Boston- Special Committee on Student Services
Student Video- Youth Services: University and STATC Communication Council (USCC)
Student Video- Youth Services: U.S.C.C. (University and State Communications Council
Student Video- Youth Services: Vice Chancellors Council
Student Video- Youth Services: Whitmore Space
Student Video- Youth Services: WMUA
Student Video- Youth Services: WMUA (Umass Radio Station)
Student Video- Youth Services: WMUA- History
Student Video- Youth Services: Youth Services- Correspondence
Student Video- Youth Services: Youth Services- Grant Awards and Proposals
Student Video- Youth Services: Youth Services- J.O.E. Program
Student Video- Youth Services: Youth Services- Miscellaneous
Student Video- Youth Services: Youth Services- Newws Clippings and Releases
Student Video- Youth Services: Youth Services- Open House Policy
Administrative information
Cite as: : William F. Field Papers (RG 30/2 F5). Special Collections and University Archives, UMass Amherst Libraries.
Subjects African American college students--Massachusetts Field, William Franklin, 1922- Race relations--United States Universities and colleges--United States--Administration University of Massachusetts Amherst--Faculty University of Massachusetts Amherst. Dean of Students University of Massachusetts Amherst. Department of Afro-American Studies Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Protest movements--United States Types of material Correspondence Memorandums