UMass Amherst

Campus pond at Mass. Agricultural College
Campus pond at Mass. Agricultural College
In its earliest days of Massachusetts Agricultural College, a lazy stream flowed southward through one the main cow pastures, bringing fresh water and a bit of tranquility to campus. But when the burgeoning dairy operations increased the demand for large quantities of ice, this bucolic little stream was dammed, creating the campus pond.

Ever since that day in 1892, the campus pond has been the center of campus, and campus memories. Through the years, it has witnessed hockey games and student demonstrations, pranks and parties, study and student courtship. Perhaps most memorably, from 1897 until 1958, the pond was the ultimate destination of the tug of war between the classes, the losers earning an unenvied dunking in the campus drink.

Drawing from the photographic collections of the Department of Special Collections and University Archives, Senior Archives Assistant Mike Milewski (Class of 1977) has assembled a scrapbook of memories centered on the campus pond, still the heart of campus.

Special Collections & University Archives
University of Massachusetts Amherst

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