The University of Massachusetts Amherst
Robert S. Cox Special Collections & University Archives Research Center
CredoResearch digital collections in Credo

Collecting area: New England

Snow, Ephraim

Ephraim Snow Daybook

1 vol. 0.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 198 bd
Depiction of

The wheelwright Ephraim Snow was born in Rochester, Mass., on Sept. 9, 1821, the son of Samuel and Rhoda (Stewart) Snow. Apparently beginning as a general carpenter, he moved to neighboring Mattapoisett shortly after 1850, where he worked as a wheelwright for many years. He married Silvia A. Nickerson on July 1, 1858, who died after giving birth to their fourth child in 1874. Ephraim Snow appears to have died in Mattapoisett in either 1880 or 1881.

This unusual daybook offers an intimate glimpse into the lively shipbuilding and whaling village of Mattapoisett as these industries peaked and begin to decline. The earliest portions of the books include sparse accounts apparently kept by Samuel Snow, Ephraim’s father, with Ephraim’s day book covering the period 1842-1878. Most of his work involved repairing or manufacturing wagon wheels or shafts, but he applied his skills quite widely in repairing wheelbarrows, chairs, cradles, and boxes, hanging doors or doing general house carpentry, and taking boarders in his home. Interspersed in the volume are a large number of poems, a few nicely rendered pen and ink drawings, and a small handful of letters.

Acquired from Charles Apfelbaum, 1987


Mattapoisett (Mass.)--HistoryMattapoisett (Mass.)--Social conditionsWheelwrights--Massachusetts--Mattapoisett


Snow, Ephraim

Types of material

Pen drawingPoemsTintypes (Prints)
Solander, Arvo A.

Arvo A. Solander Papers

8 boxes 4 linear feet
Call no.: MS 587

Graduating from Harvard in the thick of the Great Depression, Arvo A. Solander worked as a civil and sanitary engineer for a variety of state and federal agencies, including the Civil Works Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps. During the 1930s, as opportunity arose, he filled positions as a road engineer, in the design and construction of water and sewage plants, in pollution control, as a safety engineer in the shellfish industry, and in mosquito control, taking jobs throughout Massachusetts and as far away as Tennessee. After using his talents as an officer in the Sanitary Corps during the Second World War, based primarily in Arkansas, Solander returned home to Massachusetts and opened a private engineering office in South Hadley. He worked as a civil engineer and surveyor until his death in January 1976.
The Arvo Solander Papers consists of twenty-four bound volumes documenting thirty years of varied work as an engineer, including his contributions to the construction of the Quabbin Reservoir. Within the bound volumes are a wide range of reports, typescripts, sketches and diagrams, graphs, contracts and design specifications, photographs, and postcards.


Civil engineersCivilian Conservation Corps (U.S.)Depressions--1929Fisheries--MassachusettsMosquitoes--ControlQuabbin Reservoir (Mass.)Roads--Design and constructionSanitary engineersSewage disposal plants--Design and constructionUnited States. Federal Civil Works AdministrationWater--Pollution--TennesseeWater-supply--MassachusettsWestfield State SanatoriumWorld War, 1939-1945Wrentham State School


Solander, Arvo A

Types of material

South Berkshire Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)

South Berkshire Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records

2 boxes 1 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 S347

Originating as an independent worship group in Monterey, Mass., in about 1952, the South Berkshire Friends Meeting came under the auspices of the Middle Connecticut Valley Monthly Meeting in 1955 as the Great Barrington Worship Group. It changed name to Gould Farm in 1962, and then to Berkshire in 1971 before setting off formally from the Mount Toby Monthly Meeting in 1984.

This small collection contains minutes and newsletters of the meeting since it was organized as a monthly in 1984.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2017


Quakers--MassachusettsSociety of Friends--Massachusetts


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)Newsletters
South Kingstown Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)

South Kingstown Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records

12 vols., 2 boxes 3.75 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 S556

The South Kingstown Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends was the home meeting of John Wilbur and as such, the epicenter of the Wilburite separation of 1845. A part of Rhode Island Quarter, the meeting became a locus for the Wilburite separation of 1845 when the membership at South Kingstown rebuffed efforts to discipline Wilbur. After being suspended from 1842 to 1847, the Gurneyite South Kingstown Monthly Meeting was laid down in 1899.

The records of South Kingstown Monthly Meeting contain an extensive set of minutes, though sparse in the post-separation years, along with vital records, records of meeting disciplinary cases, certificates of manumission for people enslaved by members of the meeting, and miscellaneous other content.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2016


Quakers--Rhode IslandSociety of Friends--Rhode IslandSouth Kingstown (R.I.)--Religious life and customs


New England Yearly Meeting of FriendsWilbur, John, 1774-1856

Types of material

EpistlesMinutes (Administrative records)
South Kingstown Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite: 1845-1945)

South Kingstown Monthly Meeting of Friends (Wilburite) Records

1755-1944 Bulk: 1845-1903
9 vols. 1 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 W553 S556

As the home of John Wilbur, South Kingstown Monthly Meeting was at the epicenter of the Separation of 1845 within the New England Yearly Meeting of Friends. The South Kingstown Monthly Meeting (Wilburite) was formed in 1845 from members of South Kingstown and Greenwich Monthly Meetings and placed under the care of Rhode Island Quarterly Meeting. It was one of only three Wilburite monthly meetings to survive through the unification of 1945, when it became Westerly Monthly Meeting.

The relative success of South Kingstown Monthly Meeting (Wilburite) did not parlay into a large body of records. The collection contains one volume each of official minutes from the men’s and women’s meetings, two slender volumes from the Select Preparative Meeting, a letterbook, and a slender volume of vital records.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2016


Quakers--Rhode IslandSociety of Friends--Rhode IslandWesterly (R.I.)--Social life and customsWilburites


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)Vital records (Document genre)
South Starksboro Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)

South Starksboro Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) Records

1 box 0.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 S783

The Friends Monthly Meeting at South Starksboro, Vermont, began as Creek Allowed Meeting, and has had a complex organizational history. It became part of New England Yearly Meeting in 1975, and gained status as a monthly meeting for the second time in 1996, operating under Northwest Quarter.

The records of South Starksboro Monthly Meeting date from the period starting shortly before it returned to monthly status in 1982. They consist of minutes of meetings (sparse for later years) and state of the meeting reports, along with a somewhat incomplete run of newsletter.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, April 2016


Quakers--VermontSociety of Friends--VermontSouth Starksboro (Vt.)--Religious life and customs


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)
Southern Maine Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)

Southern Maine Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends)

1 box 0.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 902 S688

The Southern Maine Monthly Meeting (Falmouth Quarter) is a small, unprogrammed Quaker meeting that gathers in Friends’ homes twice monthly in York County. Established as an independent worship group in 1980 under Falmouth Quarterly, the meeting achieved monthly status as Waterboro Monthly Meeting two years later. With changes in membership in 2005, and the departure of some longtime supporters, they changed name to Southern Maine Monthly Meeting to reflect the “broader range of the various members and attenders.”

The records of Southern Maine Monthly are comprised of a relatively complete set of minutes and state of the society reports.

Gift of New England Yearly Meeting, April 2016


Maine--Religious life and customsQuakers--MaineSociety of Friends--Maine


New England Yearly Meeting of Friends

Types of material

Minutes (Administrative records)
Springfield Environmental Coalition

Springfield Environmental Coalition Collection

1964-1977 Bulk: 1970-1976
1 box 1.5 linear feet
Call no.: MS 875

In the early 1970s, the Springfield Environmental Coalition emerged as one of the grassroots organizations dedicated to environmental causes in the lower Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts. Under the leadership of its president, Wilfred R. Lenville, the Coalition took part in regional planning efforts relating to urban expansion in the city of Springfield as well as issues relating to regional land use, agriculture, and water quality in the Connecticut River.

A tightly-focused assemblage of formally and informally published materials from the lower Pioneer Valley, the SEC collection addresses a range of issues in regional planning during the early 1970s, including land use, agriculture, water resources, zoning, and urban growth. Of particular note are a series of interesting typewritten studies of individual neighborhoods in Springfield, 1970-1972. The collection includes one folder of correspondence regarding the Coalition’s work.


City planning--Massachusetts--SpringfieldConnecticut River Valley (Mass.)Land useRegional planning--Massachusetts--Springfield regionSpringfield (Mass.)--History


Lenville, Wilfred R.
Sroka Family

Sroka Family Papers

1 box 0.25 linear feet
Call no.: MS 216

Polish family who emigrated to the United States in 1912-1913 and settled in Chicopee, Massachusetts, working in meat packing firms and textile factories, and also as seamstresses and farmers.

Includes birth and wedding certificates, military and employment documentation, residential and passport applications, photographs, and lists of baptisms, weddings, and deaths. Also contains a family history written by Gary Sroka, correspondence, payment book for the Society of St. Joseph (Chicopee, Massachusetts), and a news clipping. All materials exist as photocopies and are written primarily in Polish, German, and Hungarian, though some are in English, Ukrainian, and Russian.


Chicopee (Mass.)--HistoryImmigrants--MassachusettsPolish Americans--Massachusetts
St. Kazimier Society (Turners Falls, Mass.)

St. Kazimier Society Records

15 boxes 8 linear feet
Call no.: MS 253 bd

The St. Kazimier Society was an early mutual aid society formed in the Polish community in Turners Falls, Massachusetts. Established in 1904, the Society preceded the founding of Our Lady of Czestochowa Church by five years.

Records of the St. Kazimier Society of Turners Falls include administrative files, financial records, educational materials, and photographs. Account books generally reflect members’ premium payments and benefits, the income and expenses of the society itself, and of the club.


Mutual aid societies--MassachusettsPolish Americans--Massachusetts--Turners FallsTurners Falls (Mass.)--History


St. Kazimier Society (Turners Falls, Mass.)

Types of material

Account books