John P. Roche Collection
324 items
Call no.: RB 008
A political scientist, writer, and government consultant, John P. Roche was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on May 7, 1923, the son of a salesman. A liberal Social Democrat and fervent anti-Communist, Roche spent his academic career at Haverford College and Brandeis and Tufts Universities, writing extensively on American foreign policy, constitutional law, and the history of political thought in America, and maintaining a strong interest in the history of the American left. During the 1960s and early 1970s, he served as an adviser to the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations.
The Roche Collection consists of over 300 publications pertaining to the political left in the United States, with a smaller number of works from the radical right and from European Socialists and Communists. Concentrated in the years spanning the Great Depression, the Second World War, and the McCarthy hearings, many of the works were produced by formal political parties in response to particular political campaigns, current events, or social issues, with other works geared primarily toward consciousness raising and general political education on trade unionism, fascism, war and peace, American foreign policy, and freedom of speech and the press.
Background on John P. Roche
A political scientist, writer, and government consultant, John P. Roche was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on May 7, 1923, the son of a salesman. After undergraduate study at Hofstra and war-time service in the Air Force, Roche received his doctorate in political science at Cornell in 1949, and embarked upon an academic career. Following several years at Haverford College (1949-1956), he was appointed to the faculty at Brandeis University, eventually becoming chair of his department and then Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. A liberal Social Democrat and fervent anti-Communist, Roche’s writing and research centered on American foreign policy, constitutional law, and the history of political thought in America, but he maintained a strong interest in the history of the American left generally, and particularly the Socialist and Communist parties. A prolific writer, he was author or editor of more than a dozen books.
In 1961, Roche left Brandeis to pursue a series of fellowships and appointments with such groups as the Rockefeller Foundation and Hudson Institute, and he served as an advisor to the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. He returned to academia in 1973 as Professor on the School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where he remained until his retirement. He died from complications of a stroke on May 6, 1994.
Contents of Collection
The Roche Collection consists of over 300 publications pertaining to the political left in the United States, with a smaller number of works from the radical right and from European Socialists and Communists. Concentrated in the years spanning the Great Depression, the Second World War, and the McCarthy hearings, many of the works were produced by formal political parties in response to particular political campaigns, current events, or social issues, with other works geared primarily toward consciousness raising and general political education on trade unionism, fascism, war and peace, American foreign policy, and freedom of speech and the press. The authors are diverse as the topics, ranging from Father Coughlin’s anti-semitic radio sermons and the screeds of Joseph P. Kamp (Director of the Constitutional Education League) on the far right to Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham City Jail and the writings of Earl Browder, Norman Thomas, David Paul Berenberg, and Rosa Luxemburg on the left.
Collection inventory
Adler, Friedrich, 1879-1960, The witchcraft trial in Moscow
American Civil Liberties Union., Civil liberty
American Civil Liberties Union., Shall we defend free speech for Nazis in America?
American Civil Liberties Union., Who’s un-American?
American Legion, The American Legion and the Communists discuss democracy
American Socialist Monthly
American Socialist Quarterly
American Workers Party., Toward an American revolutionary labor movement;
Ameringer, Oscar, 1870-1943., Socialism
Ameringer, Oscar, 1870-1943., The Yankee primer
Angell, Norman, Sir, 1874-1967., Raw materials, population pressure and war
Aptheker, Herbert, 1915-, Negro slave revolts in the United States, 1526-1860
Aptheker, Herbert, 1915-, The Negro in the civil war
Austrian Labor Committee., Austria’s problems after Hitler’s fall.
Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 1814-1876., Confession
Barou, N. (Noah), 1889-1955 ed, The co-operative movement in labour Britain
Benjamin, Herbert, 1898?-1983., A handbook for project workers
Berenberg, David Paul, 1890-, A workers’ world
Berenberg, David Paul, 1890-, America at the crossroads
Berenberg, David Paul, 1890-, Socialist fundamentals
Berkman, Alexander, 1870-1936., A.B.C. of anarchism
Bernal, John Desmond., The way to peace.
Berneri, M. L, Workers in Stalin’s Russia
Borghi, Armando., Mussolini, red and black
Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918., The state.
British Peace Committee., Peace to the world
Broun, Heywood, 1888-1939., Why I am a socialist
Browder, Earl, 1891-1973, Teheran; our path in war and peace
Browder, Earl, 1891-1973., A message to Catholics.
Browder, Earl, 1891-1973., The democratic front for jobs, security, democracy and peace
Burnham, Grace M. (Grace Martha), 1889-, Social insurance
Burnham, Grace M. (Grace Martha), 1889-, Work or wages
Burnham, James, 1905-1987., How to fight war
Burns, Emile, b. 1889, Abyssinia and
Burns, Emile, b. 1889, The triumph of communism.
Cahan, Abraham, 1860-1951, ed., Hear the other side
Cameron, William John, 1879-1955., The Ford Sunday evening hour talks …
Cannon, James Patrick, 1890-1974., Socialism on trial;
Carolus., Should socialists support Yalta and Frisco
Casey, James, fl. 1935., Hearst
Casey, James., The crisis in the Communist Party
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America. Committee on Socialism and Communism., Communist infiltration in the United States
Chandrasekhar, S. (Sripati), 1918-, India and the war.
Claessens, August, 1885-1954., A B C of parliamentary law.
Clark, Joseph, 1913-, What’s behind the Berlin crisis
Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe, 1876-1959., Ballad of Gene Debs
Cole, Walton Elbert, 1900-, Is Father Coughlin a menace to Americanism?
Collins, Mary., The fight for recovery.
Committee for the Reinstatement of Professor Edwin Berry Burgum, Academic freedom and New York University
Committee to Defend America by
Aiding the Allies., Organized labor’s stake in the war.
The Communist; a Marxist magazine devoted to advancement of democratic thought and action
The Communist International
Communist International., Program of the Communist International
Communist International. Congress (6th : 1928 : Moscow), The struggle against imperialist war and the tasks of the communists
Communist International. Congress (6th : 1928 : Moscow), The struggle against imperialist war and the tasks of the communists
Communist International. Executive Committee., Theses and resolutions.
Communist Party of the United States of America (New York). Election Campaign Committee., Platform of struggle for urgent needs of toilers
Communist Party of the United States of America., How to organize mass meetings
Communist Party of the United States of America. , Constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America
Communist Party of the United States of America. Massachusetts., Jobs, security, democracy and peace.
Communist Party of the United States of America. Massachusetts., Platform of the Communist Party, State of Massachusetts
Communist Party of the United States of America. National Election Campaign Committee., Communist election platform, 1938
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979, Father Coughlin’s radio sermons;
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., What is the truth?
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., A series of lectures on social justice
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., A series of lectures on social justice, 1935-1936. … broadcast over a national network.
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., Father Coughlin’s radio discourses, 1931-1932.
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., Lecture
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., Meet the money changers’ servants
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., Sermon[s]
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., Sixteen radio lectures
Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979., The Federal Reserve Bank case
Council for Democracy., Advance through crisis.
Council for Democracy., Freedom of assembly and anti-democratic groups.
Council for Democracy., The Negro and defense
Cowl, Margaret., The Soviet Union
Critics Group, Dialectics
Critics Group, Freville, Jean. What is the Marxist approach to literature? Mirsky, D. S. Walt Whitman: Poet of American Democracy
Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford, 1907-1974., Socialist foreign policy
Democratic National Committee (U.S.), How to win in 1952
Deutsch, Julius, 1884-1968., The civil war in Austria.
Dewey, John, 1859-1952., Truth is on the march
Dewey, John, 1859-1952., Education and the social order.
Dimitrov, Georgi, 1882-1949., The united front against fascism and war.
Dimitrov, Georgi, 1882-1949., The war and the working class.
Dimitrov, Georgi, 1882-1949., Working class unity – bulwark against fascism.
Drew, George A., Salesman of death: the truth about war makers
Dunne, William F., Why Hearst lies about communism
Duprey, William H., How I got fat looking for starvation in Soviet Russia.
Edelman, Marek, 1921-, The ghetto fights.
Ehrlich, Henryk, 1882-, The struggle for revolutionary socialism.
Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895., Socialism, utopian and scientific
Epstein, Abraham, 1892-1942., Social security
Fabian Society (Great Britain). International Bureau., Labour and Europe;
Farrell, James T. (James Thomas), 1904-1979., Truth and myth about America
Fast, Howard, 1914-, Intellectuals in the fight for peace
Feuer, Lewis S., Ethics and Marxism
Fisher, Irving, 1867-1947., The income concept in the light of experience
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley., Stool-pigeon
Ford, James W., 1893-, War in Africa;
Forsythe, Robert, 1896-1960., The world gone mad.
Foster, LeBaron Russell, 1908-, State regulation of installment selling and financing
Foster, William Z., 1881-1961., Industrial unionism
Foster, William Z., 1881-1961., Questions and answers on the Piatakov-Radek trial.
Foster, William Z., 1881-1961., The crisis in the Socialist Party.
Frankfeld, Phil, How should we vote on November 8? The intelligent voter’s guide in Massachusetts
Gasson, Thomas Ignatius, 1859-1930., The meance of Socialism
George, Henry, 1862-1916, The menace of privilege;
Giovannitti, Arturo M., 1884-1959., Giovannitti’s address to the jury.
Gorman, Francis J., The fate of trade unions under fascism
Hardie, James Keir, 1856-1915, From serfdom to socialism
Hathaway, Clarence Albert, 1892-, Collective security, the road to peace
Henderson, Arthur, 1863-1935., Labour’s foreign policy.
Herberg, Will., The C.I.O., labor’s new challenge
Hillquit, Morris, 1869-1933., Foundations of socialism
Hillquit, Morris, 1869-1933., Should the American workers
form a political party of their own?
Hitchcock, Charles C., The socialist argument
Hoan, Daniel W. (Daniel Webster), 1881-1961., The failure of regulation
Hook, Sidney, 1902-, Heresy, yes – conspiracy, no!
How the war came to America
The Ideological struggle in the American left.
Independent Labor League of America, Why? a labor party
Industrial Workers of the World., Songs of the workers
Institute for International Labor Research, Dominican Republic: a study in the new imperialism
International Labor Defense, Ernst Thaelmann, fighter against war and fascism
International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union., You and your union.
Jerome, V. J. (Victor Jeremy), 1896-1965., The path Dimitroff charted
Kamp, Joseph P. (Joseph Peter), 1900-, America betrayed
Kamp, Joseph P. (Joseph Peter), 1900-, Join the C.I.O. and help build a soviet America
Kamp, Joseph P. (Joseph Peter), 1900-, Native Nazi purge plot
Kamp, Joseph P. (Joseph Peter), 1900-, Strikes and the communists behind them
Kamp, Joseph P. (Joseph Peter), 1900-, The fifth column in the South
Kelso, Harold., Build for socialism!
Kenya, African socialism and its application to planning in Kenya
Kernan, William C. (William Charles), The ghost of Royal Oak
Kettering, Charles Franklin, 1876-, At Ket sees it
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968., Letter from Birmingham city jail
Kommunisticheskaia partiia Sovetskogo Soiuza. 17. s ezd, Moscow, 1934., Resolutions and decisions
Komor, Imre., Ten years of the Communist International
Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz, 1842-1921., An appeal to the young
Krueger, Maynard C., 1906-, Inflation;
Krzycki, Leo., The unions and the socialists
Kun, Bela, 1886-1939., The February struggle in Austria and its lessons.
A labor party for the United States
Labour Party (Great Britain). Executive Committee., Challenge to Britain;
Labour Party (Great Britain). Executive Committee., Reconstruction in war and peace.
Laidler, Harry Wellington, 1884-1970., Public ownership, here and abroad
Laidler, Harry Wellington, 1884-1970., The new capitalism and the socialist.
Laidler, Harry Wellington, 1884-1970., Toward a farmer-labor party
Laidler, Harry Wellington, 1884-1970., Unemployment and its remedies
Lane, Franklin K., The nation in arms
Lang, P., Trotskyism and fascism;
Lash, Joseph P., War our heritage
Laski, Harold Joseph, 1893-1950., Karl Marx
Lasswell, James., Shovels and guns
Lawson, Elizabeth, 1904-, 20 years on the chain gang?
League for Industrial Democracy., The future of capitalism and socialism in America
League for Industrial Democracy., Twenty years of social pioneering
League of American Writers., Writers take sides;
Lend, Evelyn., The underground struggle in Germany
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 1870-1924., A letter to American workers
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 1870-1924., Lenin and Britain
Lenin, Vladimir Ilich, 1870-1924., Lenin on Engels
Letter of an old bolshevik;
Letters to liberals on the Soviet Union and the world crisis.
Levitt, Henry, Why we want peace
Lewis, Alfred Baker, 1897-, Do we have a stake in this war?
Lewis, Alfred Baker, 1897-, There is a cure for unemployment
Lewis, John Llewellyn, 1880-1969., Industrial democracy in steel
Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 1826-1900., No compromise, no political trading
Litwak, A., 1874-1932., New points on the map
London, Jack, 1876-1916., The dream of Debs.
Lovestone, Jay., The people’s front illusion
Lowenthal, Richard, 1908-, What is folksocialism?
Lundberg, Ferdinand, 1902-, Who controls industry?
Luscomb, Florence H., President Roosevelt admits!
Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919., Leninism or Marxism.
Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919., Reform or revolution
Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919., The Russian revolution
Magil, A. B. (Abraham Bernard), 1905-, The truth about Father Coughlin
Malenkov, Georgii Maksimilianovich, 1901-1988., Comrade Stalin
Malenkov, Georgii Maksimilianovich, 1901-1988., XXXII anniversary of the great October socialist revolution.
Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976., Let a hundred flowers bloom
Martov, L., 1873-1923., The state and the socialist revolution
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883., Free trade.
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883., Manifesto of the communist party
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883., Manifesto of the Communist Party.
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883., The civil war in France;
Marx, Karl, 1818-1883., Value, price and profit
Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-, Disarmament and the world crisis
Matthews, J. B. (Joseph Brown), 1894-, Fascism
Melish Defense Committee., The Melish case
Melish, William Howard, 1910-, A churchman examines American-Soviet relations
Memorial services upon the seventy-fourth birthday of Wendell Phillips
Mif, P. (Pavel), 1901-, Heroic China
Miles, pseud., Socialism’s new beginning
Moe, Finn., Does Norwegian labor seek the middle way?
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, 1890-, The meaning of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact
Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich, 1890-, The success of the five year plan.
Morrison, Herbert, 1888-1965., A labor party versus fascism
Mugglebee, Ruth, 1903-, Father Coughlin of the Shrine of the Little Flower;
National Committee for the Defense of Civil Rights in Tampa., Tampa–tar and terror.
National Committee for the Defense of Civil Rights in Tampa., Terror in Tampa.
National Educational Committee for a New Party., Ideas for a new party
National Maritime Union, CIO, Bring GI’s home
Nearing, Scott, 1883-, Europe – west and east
Nearing, Scott, 1883-, Irrepressible America
Nearing, Scott, 1883-, The American empire
Nearing, Scott, 1883-, The coal question.
Nearing, Scott, 1883- defendant, The trial of Scott Nearing and the American Socialist Society.
Nelson, George A., Farmers, where are we going?
Neumann, Franz L. (Franz Leopold), 1900-1954., European trade unionism and politics
Non-Partisan Labor Defense, What is the Non-Partisan Labor Defense?
Nuorteva, Santeri., An open letter to American liberals
Ogolny Zydowski Zwiazek Robotniczy Bund w Polsce. American Representation., The case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter
Olgin, Moissaye J. (Moissaye Joseph), 1874-1939., Why communism?
Olgin, Moissaye J. (Moissaye Joseph), 1874-1939., Why comm
Oneal, James, b. 1875., The Austrian civil war
Oneal, James, b. 1875., The workers in American history
Page, Kirby, 1890-1957., The sword or the cross.
Pannekoek, Anton, 1873-1960., Marxism and Darwinism
Pathfinder – The town journal
Penley, Howard, Profit for who?
Penn and Hammer, Don’t take it lying down
Pickard, Walt., The Burlington dynamite plot
Plekhanov, Georgii Valentinovich, 1856-1918., Art and society.
Porter, Paul R. (Paul Robert), 1908-, The commonwealth plan
Pritt, D. N. (Denis Nowell), 1887-, The State Department and the cold war;
Rappoport, Charles, 1865-1941., Jean Jaures, l’homme, le penseur, le socialiste.
Revolutionary Socialist Congress (1938 : Paris), A new hope for world socialism.
Richards, W. H., Socialism explained;
Russell, Bertrand, The meaning of Marx
Russell, Charles Edward, 1860-1941., Why I am a socialist
Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee., Financial report of the Sacco-Vanzetti Defense Committee
“Salt of the Earth” a flyer announcingthe showing of the motion picture
Schopke, Karl., Deutsches Arbeitsdiensjahr staat Arbeitslosen-Wirrwarr!
Schroeder, Theodore Albert, 1864-1953., Are radicals insane?
Seidman, Joel Isaac, 1906-, Sit-down,
Seidman, Joel Isaac, 1906-, Sit-down,
Shachtman, Max, 1903-1972, Behind the Moscow trial
Sillen, Samuel., Cold war in the classroom
Simons, A. M. (Algie Martin), 1870-1950., Class struggles in America
Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968., I, governor of California, and how I ended poverty
Sinclair, Upton, 1878-1968., Letters to Judd, an American workingman
Smith, Alson Jesse., The case against the Christian front;
Smith, Alson Jesse., The case against the Christian front;
Smith, Jessica, 1895-, Jungle law or human reason?
Socialist Labor Party pamphlets
Socialist Party (U.S.), A plan for America, official 1932 campaign handbook for the Socialist Party
Socialist Party (U.S.), A political guide for the workers;
Socialist Party (U.S.), Directions to locals and branches on registration of party members
Socialist Party (U.S.), National constitution, declaration of principles and congressional platform
Socialist Party (U.S.), Socialist handbook, 1937
Socialist Party (U.S.), Socialist handbook, for president, Allen [!] L. Benson; for vice-president, George R. Kirkpatrick;
Socialist Party (U.S.), Socialist handbook.
Socialist Party (U.S.), The heritage of Debs
Socialist Party (U.S.), Unions face the depression.
Socialist Party (U.S.). Educational Committee., Why aren’t we all rich?
Socialist Party (U.S.). National campaign committee, 1912., Socialist campaign book
Socialist Party of Great Britain., Socialism.
Socialist Party of Great Britain. Executive Committee., War and the working class.
Socialist Party of Great Britain. Executive Committee., War and the working class.
Socialist Party of Wisconsin. State Executive Board, Which way for the Socialist Party?
Socialist Union., Socialism and foreign policy.
Socialist Union., Socialism.
Socialist Vanguard Group., The future of international socialism ..
Solomon, Charles., Karl Marx or Thomas Jefferson?
Solomon, Charles., The Albany trial
Solow, Herbert., Union-smashing in Sacramento.
Soule, Isobel Walker., The vigilantes hide behind the flag
Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union, The Disinherited speak
Spivak, John Louis, 1897-, Shrine of the silver dollar
Sprenger, Rudolf., Bolshevism
Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953, Economic problems of socialism in the U.S.S.R
Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953., J.V. Stalin answers Pravda correspondent’s questions.
Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953., Political report of the Central Committee to the Fourteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U. (B.)
Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953., The social-democratic deviation in our party
Starr, Mark, 1894-, Workers’ education today
Steel, Johannes, 1906-, The case for peace
Sullivan, John Francis., The National Industrial recovery act
Sutton, Olive., Murder Inc. in Greece.
Symes, Lillian, 1895-, Communism
Symes, Lillian, 1895-, India’s revolution
Thomas and Nelson Independent Committee., Socialism in our time.
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., A socialist looks at the new deal
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Democracy and Japanese Americans
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Democracy versus dictatorship
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Democratic socialism
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Is the New Deal socialism?
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Shall labor support Roosevelt?
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., The new deal;
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., The plight of the share-cropper
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., What’s behind the Christian Front ?
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Which road for American workers, Socialist or Communist?
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968., Why I am a Socialist
Thomason, O. M., The battle of ballots
Thomson, George Derwent., An essay on religion
Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940, Germany, the key to the international situation
Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940., I stake my life!
Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940., Marxism in the United States.
Trotsky, Leon, 1879-1940., Whither France?
United States. Committee on Public Information., American loyalty.
United States. Committee on Public Information., Amerikanische Burgertreue;
United States. President (1913-1921 : Wilson), The war message and facts behind it.
Vail, Charles H. (Charles Henry), b. 1866, Principles of scientific socialism
Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich, 1883-1954., Trotskyism in the service of fascism against socialism and peace
Wang, Ming, 1904-1974., The revolutionary movement in the colonial countries.
Ward, Harry Frederick, 1873-1966., Soviet democracy
Ward, Harry Frederick, 1873-1966., The Fascist International
West, John., War and the workers.
Wilson, Walter, 1903-, The American Legion and civil liberty.
Wolfe, Bertram David, 1896-1977., Things we want to know
Wolfe, Bertram David, 1896-1977., What is the communist opposition?
Wolfson, Theresa, 1897-, Industrial unionism in the American labor movement
Woodcock, George, 1912-, Railways and society
Work, John M. (John McClelland), 1869-1961., What’s so and what isn’t.
Workers Party of the United States., Declaration of principles and constitution of the Workers Party of the U.S.
Young, Art, 1866-1943., The socialist primer
Zhdanov, Andrei Aleksandrovich, 1896-1948., The international situation
Zhongguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi., The common program and other documents of the first plenary session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.
Administrative information
Gift of John P. Roche, 1964.
Processing Information
Processed by I. Eliot Wentworth, Nov. 2014.
Cite as: John P. Roche Collection (RB 008). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.