=====College Monthly===== The short-lived, 4 page College Monthly was the first newspaper published by students at Massachusetts Agricultural College. The whole has been [[http://archive.org/details/collegemonthly12walk|scanned and is available]] through the [[http://archive.org|Internet Archive]]. ---- Complete run (through the [[http://archive.org|Internet Archive]]): [[http://archive.org/stream/collegemonthly12walk#page/n3/mode/2up|College Monthly]], 1887-1888 Vol. 1, no 1 (March 1887) * Not available [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/1.2.pdf|Vol. 1, no. 2]] (April 1887) * Capital advice * A voyage to the Bahamas (H.T.F.) * Editorial * Local items * A midnight tragedy * New York letter (Uncle Ben) ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/1.3.pdf|Vol. 1, no. 3]] (May 1887) * College sports * Crabs * Editorial * The class of eighty-seven * Commemorative exercises * Local items * Siftings * Commencement exercises ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/1.s.pdf|Vol. 1, no. 3]] (Commencement supplement) * New York letter * Siftings ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.1.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 1]] (September 1887) * Letter from Germany (H. J. Wheeler) * Local items; ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.2.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 2]] (October 1887) * Man and his shoes (poem) * Agriculture of Japan (Y. Mishima) * Local items * Poem (A Hampshire Country Poet) * College Organizations ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.3.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 3]] (November 1887) * A Minute with Abraham Lincoln (C. G. Morehouse) * The Grange * Local News * College Sports * A Sleeper * The National Grange ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.4.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 4]] (January 1888) * The Junior and his sweetheart * M.A.C. * Local news * The spelling class (poem) * Excuses * The Grange ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.5.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 5]] (February 1888) * Agricultural education * Local news * A chronic liar and a chronic truth-teller (Uncle Ben) * The Grange ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.6.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 6]] (March 1888) * Who shall spend the fifteen thousand dollars? (C. S. Walker) * College news * Noon at the college boarding house (poem, with illustration) * Bay State Agricultural Society prizes for essays * The Grange ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.7.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 7]] (April 1888) * Stock at the M.A.C. barn * The Grange * Amherst College * M.A.C. news * The office cat (poem) * Stop thief!!! ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.8.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 8]] (May 1888) * The Amherst Grange store (E.F.M.) * The Grange * M.A.C. news * Amherst College * To whom it may concern (poem) * The cow ---- [[http://www.library.umass.edu/spcoll/digital/collegemonthly/2.9.pdf|Vol. 2, no. 9]] (June 1888) * Objects of interest at the Mass. Agricultural College * The Grange * Amherst College * M.A.C. news * The class of eighty-eight * The senior class (poem) * Commencement exercises at M.A.C. * Commencement exercises at Amherst College * Siftings