====== North College ====== Built 1868 This dormitory was quickly built after (old) South College was filled. It was a substantial building of brick, covered with slate, finished inside with chestnut, piped for gas, and furnished for sixty-four students. It is 100 x 50 feet, four stories in height, and included a basement ten feet high. It was designed by George Hathorne, Esq., of New York, and built by Mr. L. N. Granger, of Hadley, "who deserves great credit for the energy displayed in completing the entire job according to contract, so that it was ready for use on the 10th of September", 1868. The expense of this building was $36,000, which included the services of the architect, the grading and the stoves. https://archive.org/details/annualreport1121mass/page/n399/mode/2up?q=boarding