====== Chemistry Laboratory ====== Built in 1867. Also known as the Chemistry Building or College Hall. It burned in 1922. Located just south of the ravine and north of North College. ===== First Building ===== The chemical laboratory was 57 x 46 feet and two stories high, and had excellent rooms for lectures, practical chemistry, and apparatus. The building, including bell and grading, cost about $10,360. By winter of 1868 it has not yet been provided with apparatus or furniture, and was being used as a gymnasium. ===== Second Building ===== On April 25, 1869, the Legislature appropriated fifty thousand dollars for the further erection of buildings and for other purposes. That year the small two story building was heavily remodeled with some of the and "College Hall," later known as the chemistry building, was built on the same location. From the 1870 annual report: "College Hall is a large, wooden edifice with a width on the front of sixty feet, and a length of ninety-seven feet. The basement is nine feet high in the clear, and contains a room for furnace and coal, a repair shop, and a chemical work-room and store-room. The first story is fifteen feet high, and includes a chapel sixty by forty feet, and four rooms occupied by students in practical chemistry. The second story is of the same height, and consists of the hall for drawing, which is also used as a recitation and lecture room by the professor of mathematics and engineering ; a chemical lecture-room, and the office, private laboratory and apparatus room of the professor of chemistry. The third story in the Mansard roof is twenty- three feet from the floor to the upper rafters, which are planed and painted. Here is the military hall, about one hundred feet by fifty, and the armory, forty feet long by twelve wide. The cost of College Hall, with permanent furniture and grading, will be about $20,000. The cost of the chemical laboratory which is now incorporated in the new edifice, was about $10,000, making the entire cost of the building $30,000. The architect was Mr. George Hatliorne, of New York, and the builder, Mr. C. W. Lessey, of Amherst." [[https://archive.org/details/annualreport1121mass/page/n481/mode/2up]]