i (11 publications)
Imagine! : Introducing Your Child to the Arts
Published by the National Endowment for the Arts, 2004. This reprint of the 1997 NEA publication revises and updates the previous edition’s material on introducing children to the arts. Made for parents, the publication includes activities and suggestions in literature, dance, music, theater, visual arts, folk arts, and media arts aimed specifically at children ages 3-8 years old. Includes pull-out guide of arts activities. 68 pp.
Improving the Assessment of Student Learning in the Arts – State of the Field and Recommendations
Given the increased focus on assessment and accountability in education since the 1990s, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) identified the need to capture the current status of arts assessment. As such, the NEA commissioned WestEd to examine current trends, promising techniques, and successful practices being used to assess student learning in the arts throughout the country, as well as identify potential areas in which arts assessment could be improved.