
Hand Soap (1883)

Rice and beans

Submitted by E.L. Purinton
Put three pounds lime, six pounds sal soda, and one-half pound borax in five gallons water; boil until all is dissolved, and then let it stand six hours or more; draw off the clear liquid and put in six pounds of grease, boil until it thickens. When partially cool pour into shallow dishes to harden.


Good Pudding without Milk or Eggs (1883)

Rice and beans

Submitted by Mrs. Strong
One quart water, one teaspoon salt, two-thirds of a teacup of chopped suet; when boiling hot in the kettle stir in one teacup full of Indian meal, two-thirds of a cup of raisins, one cup of molasses, one teaspoon cinnamon; when all is mixed let it boil two or three minutes, stirring it that it does not burn; then pour in your bake-dish and bake two or three hours.